Viewpoint School Earns A+ in Enhancing Sustainability and Saving Nearly 87,000 kWhs
Viewpoint participated in Savings By Design (SBD), a program that encourages high-performance, non-residential building design and construction to help maximize energy performance in new and upgraded building projects. Through this program, Viewpoint performed building improvements with efficient glazing measures, upgraded HVAC systems with modulating economizers and variable frequency drives (VFDs) to bring in the fresh air, occupancy sensors and more energy-efficient lighting. The school received nearly $10,800 in incentives for energy efficiency upgrades and bill credits of $6,600 during Summer Advantage Incentive (also known as Critical Peak Pricing) events from 2011 through 2013. With Time-Of-Use rates and Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) events in effect, it’s worth taking advantage of similar energy-saving strategies.
Read Their Story.
More Energy Management Success Stories
- University of California, Irvine saves 4.8 million kWhs of energy
- Chino Valley Unified School District reduces energy usage by 22.62%
- Temecula Valley Unified School District Earns High Grades for Efficiency
- Midstream Point of Purchase (MPOP) Program receives cost savings of more than $24,000 for new LED tubes

Finance Your Energy-Efficient Projects
State Funding for Energy-Smart Schools California is already one of the most energy aware and eco active states in the country. Now, the state is offering funding to make our schools more energy efficient—which means upgrades to your buildings and savings that can be spent on education instead of electricity.
Your school can take advantage of Proposition 39 right now, with enhanced savings from existing incentives for short-term updates and long-term savings. What is Proposition 39?
Several schools and universities have already taken advantage of energy-efficient equipment. To help your school receive these same cost-efficient benefits, we offer low-interest financing for qualified energy-efficient projects.
Energy-Efficient Solutions and Tips for Schools
Here are just a few of the energy programs and suggestions proven to increase cost efficiency. You’ll also find more energy-efficient solutions in our Schools and Universities Fact Sheet and a complete list of all our qualifying energy-efficiency incentives and demand response programs by requesting our Solutions Directory.
Want to explore your clean energy options with SCE? We want to help lower your energy bill and reduce your carbon footprint. Clean energy can help provide the solution.

Maximize your energy-saving by effectively managing your air-conditioning systems.
- Install programmable thermostats
- Install window film and blinds to keep the heat out
- Switch to LED bulbs and decrease the amount of building heat and A/C energy use
- Sign up for HVAC maintenance
- Perform routine maintenance on heating and A/C filters, belts, coils and bearings
- Increase insulation in walls and ceilings when possible
- Install sensory controllers on vending machines or shut them down for a short period
There are many more energy-efficient solutions.
Energy-Efficient Equipment
- Purchase equipment that more effectively manages your energy use
- Upgrade to high-efficiency office equipment, including laptops, which use less than a third of the energy of a desktop
- Install load-sensing or occupancy-sensing plug strips to make it easier for your staff to power down
- Install PC network software to automatically control the power setting of networked computers
- Install water-conserving toilets and faucets in bathrooms
- Replace older, less water-efficient equipment
- Install new, water-efficient commercial equipment to minimize water demand
- Change process water system to reuse processed wastewater
Your schools can benefit from even more energy-efficient equipment options.
Motors and Compressors
Motor-driven equipment—such as pumps, air compressors and fans—can consume a large amount of energy. Making motors and compressors more efficient could reduce your energy costs.
Here are some ways to control your costs:
- Install automatic shut-off devices to reduce peak demand
- Install small air compressors for low-use periods
- Install sequencing controls on multiple-unit compressor systems
- Install variable-frequency drives to control motor speed on swimming pool/spa pumps
- Replace old motors with high-efficiency motors
- Practice preventive maintenance on motor systems
- Optimize system efficiency through smart SCADA controls, condensers, premium efficient motors, compressors and compressed air
Your school may already qualify for incentives that could put these energy-saving improvements into effect.
Demand Response Programs (DR)
With these programs, receive bill credits for temporarily reducing energy use upon request during periods of high-energy demand. Choose the ones that best fit your operational needs.
Automated Demand Response (Auto-DR)
Receive energy savings by using smart technology that effortlessly and temporarily reduces the amount of energy your business uses (known as “load reduction”) during a DR event. With Auto-DR, load reduction is automatic and reliable, so it’s easier to participate in DR programs to capitalize on program earnings and help lower your energy costs.
- Install equipment that automates electrical load reduction during demand response events and receive Automated Demand Response Technology incentives.

No-Cost, Do-It-Yourself Tips
Here are some immediate ways to significantly reduce your energy use: