Now more than ever business customers can count on SCE for a variety of services. From Building Operator Certification Training, to providing expert testing, design and economic analysis services, to working with you on energy efficiency, environmental responsibility, and upgrading opportunities, not to mention our fiber optics network, SCE can help make your business a smarter energy consumer.

Edison Carrier Solutions
Edison Carrier Solutions, a business unit of Southern California Edison, is a competitive local exchange carrier focused on the wholesale carrier and large business market offering high capacity special access services at DS-3 and above. Our customers are regional, national, and international telecommunication carriers, cable television companies, satellite providers, wireless providers, internet service providers, system integrators, and large enterprises.
Building or Expanding Facilities?
Planning a large expansion or new construction for your business often means a need for upgraded electrical service as well. Upgrading power can be a complex, time-consuming process. That’s where we can help. Our expert team will guide you every step of the way.