按使用時段收費 (TOU) 費率計劃
如果您可以控制自己的用電習慣,我們其中一個按使用時段收費計劃可能最適合您的家庭。TOU 計劃的費率取決於一天中的時段和季節。
TOU 計劃能幫助您控管自己的能源支出。藉由善用夜間和週末較低費率,您可避開平日能源需求高峰的較高費率。
注意:加州公用事業委員會 (California Public Utilities Commission) 要求我們從 2018 年開始將用戶移轉至按使用時段收費 (TOU) 計劃,但您可隨時改回原計劃。 瞭解關於變更費率計劃的更多資訊 >
- 電價在清晨、夜間和週末通常較低
- 夏季的電費可能較高,但全年總電費可能較低
- 晴好天氣條件下,太陽能發電饋入電網,此時新的 TOU 4-9PM 和 5-8PM 計劃提供低價優惠
TOU 適合您嗎?
按用電時段收費計劃旨在讓您有減少總電費的方案可供選擇。觀看影片,瞭解 TOU 費率計劃的運作方式。
想要節省最多電費?在此瞭解透過 TOU 計劃降低電費的貼士:
比較 TOU 費率計劃
選擇標籤以比較我們的按使用時段收費 (TOU) 費率計劃。費率自 2025 年 03 月 01 日起生效。
找不到目前費率?discontinued rate plan。
利用 TOU 跨入潔淨能源之門

潔淨能源如風力和太陽能發電等有助於減輕電網對環境的影響。太陽在大多數人上班時照射,風則在人們睡覺時吹拂。利用一項 TOU 計劃,在大自然發電時使用再生能源,您就有可能節約能源和降低電費。 除了使用潔淨能源之外,請進一步瞭解您還能如何藉由提高能源效率來幫助環境,並有可能因此而降低電費。
我們理解有時支付帳單是個挑戰,並且想提供協助。歡迎您進一步瞭解如何利用我們的折扣計劃,透過付款安排為自己爭取更多時間,以及申請「能源輔助基金」(Energy Assistance Fund) 提供的一次性補助。
TOU 住宅費率常見問題解答
如果您換成按用電時段收費費率計劃,在 12 個月內將無法再轉換到其他費率計劃。但請注意,太陽能帳單計劃 (Solar Billing Plan)的客戶必須是TOU-D-PRIME費率而淨能源2.0 (NEM 2.0)的客戶則必須要是按用電時段收費費率。
您的當前費率計劃可能是一項中止的TOU費率計劃,包括 TOU-D-A、TOU-D-B 和 TOU-D-T。中止的TOU費率計劃不再對客戶開放。如果您已加入此類費率計劃,那麼現在可以繼續使用。但如果轉至不同的費率計劃,將無法再加入先前的計劃。
採用按使用時段收費 (TOU) 費率計劃,較長的冬季(10 月至 5 月)與較短的夏季(6 月至 9 月)的收費費率將有所不同。這些季節性價格差異的結果是,在按使用時段收費 (TOU) 費率計劃中,您的冬季電費可能比您過去同時段的電費要低,而夏季的電費則更高。請務必在「費率計劃比較工具」中關注預計費用的季節性和每月明細情況。
每位用戶有兩個基準配給:夏季和冬季各一個。基準配給與標準住宅費率計劃中的基準額度 (baseline allowance) 相同。您可以查看帳單明細中的「新增費用詳情」(details of your new charges) 部分,找到您的配給額度。在「其他資訊」(additional information) 下方,您將看到自己的夏季基準額度、冬季基準額度,或兩者同時列出,具體資訊取決於帳單月份。關於基準額度的更多資訊,請點選 此處參閱標準住宅費率計劃頁面的「關於基準額度」(about baseline) 部份。
TOU-D-4-9PM、TOU-D-5-8PM 和 TOU-D-PRIME 以及原始 TOU 費率計劃 TOU-D-A 和 TOU-D-T 也受到最低帳單費用約束,平均每月大約 $10。這意味著如果您的帳單的交付款項不足每天 32¢ 的最低帳單金額,則會向您的帳單增加差額費用,以達到大約 $10。交付費用和每天 3¢ 的每日基本費用適用於您的最低帳單費用。
除了適用的作為基本生活用電所需季節性基準額度之外,醫療用電補助 用戶每天還可額外獲得 16.5 度的基準配給,以維生器材和其他合格設備的運作。
A Heat pump water heater (HPWH) can be three times more efficient than a conventional water heater. It works similar to a refrigerator, except in reverse. While a refrigerator removes a heat pump water heater takes the heat from the surrounding air, a HPWH takes the heat from surrounding air and transfers it to water in an enclosed tank. Effective October 1, 2022, customers who own a Heat Pump Water Heater also are eligible for an additional baseline allocation if they are on TOU-D-4-9PM or TOU-D-5-8PM. Customers receiving a basic baseline allowance will receive an incremental allowance of 1.9 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day in the Summer and 2.6 kWh per day in the Winter, and customers receiving an All-Electric baseline allowance will receive with an incremental allowance. This additional allocation provides a credit to help offset the charges you pay for the HPWH electricity usage. If you are already enrolled on an eligible TOU rate and have recently installed a HPWH, please call us at 1-866-743-1645 to get this allocation enabled.
There are a number of new incentives in California that make a heat pump water heater more affordable than ever. To find incentives available in your area, visit The Switch Is On website.
Baseline Allocation
An amount of electricity (measured in kilowatt hours) that is provided to households at a lower rate than electricity used above this threshold.
Baseline allocations are determined by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) based on the number of days in the billing period, the season, the climate, and whether your primary source of heat is electric.
Baseline Allocation (Daily/Monthly)
Since billing periods can have different numbers of days, the baseline allocation is defined initially as a daily allocation. This is then calculated into an allocation for the entire billing period, which is sometimes called a “Monthly Baseline Allocation” for convenience.
Baseline Credit
A discount that reduces total electricity charges. A baseline credit is calculated per kilowatt hour (kWh) used and is capped by the monthly baseline allocation.
Daily Basic Charge
A flat, daily charge that is billed on a monthly basis, regardless of customer use or activity.
Kilowatt Hour (kWh)
A unit of measurement for electrical energy consumption over time that we use to compute billing. One kilowatt hour is equivalent to using 1,000 watts for 1 hour.
Minimum Daily Charge
A flat, daily charge that is applied if a customer’s total delivery charges fall below a minimum in a billing period (about $10 for a typical residential user). This charge supports the maintenance and operation of providing electricity.
An amount of energy allocated to a customer in a billing period at a specific price. If a customer uses more energy than what is allocated, they are charged at a higher rate on the next tier.