Grid Interconnections

Welcome to Southern California Edison Grid Interconnections

Connecting to Our Electrical System

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  • Please use this link to access the Grid Interconnection Processing Tool.
    • We are currently accepting new Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT) Interconnection Requests and Rule 21 Non-Export requests in the tool. Please see the Rule 21 page for more information regarding submittal of Rule 21 Export requests.

For more information, please see the following section of our website: Grid Interconnection Processing Tool (GIPT) Information.

The information on this page is intended to help our customers understand the requirements and processes for interconnecting projects to SCE’s electric system.

You can navigate through the sections below or you can get started by reviewing our introduction to SCE’s Generator Interconnection Processes.


  • As of Monday, July 19, 2021, the new Rule 21 Non-Export Notification Only Process for pre-approved developers became available. Additional information about eligibility, becoming a pre-approved developer, and submitting notifications can be found by navigating to the Rule 21 section of this site. Once in the Rule 21 section, expand the “Rule 21 Non-Export Notification Only Process” menu item.
  • WDAT Queue Cluster Window #16 (QC16) is anticipated to open on Thursday, October 1, 2026 and to close on Thursday, October 15, 2026. SCE may modify the dates based on CAISO’s Cluster study schedule.
  • CAISO Queue Cluster application window pursuant to the CAISO Tariff Appendix DD: The Cluster Application Window will open on April 1 and close on April 15 of each year. If any date set forth is not a Business Day, then the applicable date shall be the next Business Day. If this website information differs from the CAISO Tariff or a CAISO market notice, the CAISO date shall prevail.
  • SCE is developing a plan to implement CAISO’s proposed immediate adjustments to Cluster 15 study schedule. Additional information will be provided when it becomes available. Please see Issue-Paper-and-Straw-Proposal-Interconnecton-Process-Enhancements-2023-Mar132023.pdf (
  • Presentation on Electrical Independence, Distribution Group Study, and Cluster Study Process dates is available here: February 15, 2024
  • On March 1, 2024, SCE implemented the interim methodology for assessing contribution to reliability network upgrades to evaluate projects under Rule 21 Screen Q and WDAT Section 5.5.1 (Interim Methodology).  SCE will review the applications on a first come, first served basis and apply the Interim Methodology in order by Queue Position.  Due to the very high volume of Rule 21 applications SCE has already received as of March 1, SCE will experience delays in timely processing the applications.  Pursuant to Section D.15 of SCE’s Rule 21 tariff, SCE will use Reasonable Efforts in meeting all the timelines provided under Rule 21 particularly as applicable to processing the pertinent Rule 21 Export application submissions.  However, SCE estimates it may take up to 20 business days in addition to the timelines set forth in Rule 21 to complete, including, but not limited to, processing applications, deeming the applications complete, engineering reviews, etc.  If additional modifications to the established timelines are necessary, SCE will further notify the customer as soon as practicable to provide an estimated completion date and the reason why additional time is needed. 
  • Please see the Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff section of this website for information regarding tariff updates effective October 30, 2019
  • Distribution Group Study (DGS) Application Window #21, Opening Date: Monday, September 1, 2025. Closing Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2025. For more information, view SCE’s Rule 21 page.
  • CAISO’s Distributed Generation Deliverability (DGD) Process. Information and prior years’ DGD allocation results are available on our page regarding Interconnections to the CAISO. Navigate and expand the following header for additional information: CAISO’s Distributed Generation Deliverability Assignment Application Window.
  • On August 14, 2024, SCE submitted its Order No. 2023 compliance filing with FERC in Docket No. ER24-2776. SCE requested an effective date of August 15, 2024. Accordingly, as of August 15, 2024, no WDAT Independent Study Process (ISP) Interconnection Requests will be accepted.

Should you have any questions regarding our interconnection processes, please reach out to either the Grid Interconnection and Contract Development (GICD) team or the Net Energy Metering (NEM) team:

Grid Interconnection & Contract Development – Rule 21 Non-Export, Rule 21 Export, Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT) and Transmission Owner Tariff (TOT)
Phone: (909) 274-1106
Mailing Address:
Grid Interconnection & Contract Development
Southern California Edison
2244 Walnut Grove Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770

Email Distribution List:
To subscribe to the GICD mailing list for notices about interconnection events, please email us.

Net Energy Metering – Customers who produce their own electricity through an eligible renewable distributed generation system; a rate option called Net Energy Metering (NEM). The NEM option allows you to receive a credit for the surplus electricity you supply to the electric grid.
Phone: (866) 600-6290
Mailing Address:
Southern California Edison
2244 Walnut Grove Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770

Email Distribution List:
To subscribe to the NEM mailing list for notices about interconnection events and updates, please email us.

Rule 21 Ombudsman Information
To address disputes regarding Rule 21 missed timelines, please contact SCE's appointed ombudsman:

Rod Vickers, Project Manager
Phone: (714) 895-0211

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DISCLAIMER: The guidelines in this section are provided with the intent to help SCE’s customers understand SCE’s Interconnection Procedures. However, in the case of discrepancies with SCE’s rules, such tariffs and regulations will prevail.

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