Critical Peak Pricing
Get to Know Critical Peak Pricing (CPP)
CPP 是小型、中型和大型企業客戶(費率表 TOU-GS-1、TOU-GS-2、TOU-GS-3 和 TOU-8)以及大型農業和泵送(費率表 TOU-PA-3)客戶的預設選項。CPP 提供四個月的夏季帳單抵免額,以抵消在 12 至 15 個年度 CPP 事件中支付的更高電價。發生時,CPP 事件從下午 4 點持續到晚上 9 點,通常發生在夏季最熱的日子。如果您的企業在我們通知 CPP 事件時減少了用電量,則可以將這些較高電價降至最低。此外,您的企業將在夏季獲取電費帳單抵免額,而此時您的電費通常最高。

How Critical Peak Pricing Works
下載免費的 SCE 高峰省電 (DR) 提醒行動應用程式。將應用程式設定為在 CPP 事件排定、開始、結束時或在全部三種狀態時接收通知。
*請注意,設定提醒並非加入 DR 計畫。即使未收到通知,加入 DR 計畫的客戶仍需負責參與事件。
Business TOU - Summer & Winter

以下是 CPP 的工作原理:
- 如果您已註冊接收通知,則會在 CPP 事件發生前一天收到通知。您可以選擇透過電話、簡訊或電子郵件來接收通知。CPP 事件可以全年在一週中的任何一天發生。您可以透過下載和設定 SCE 高峰省電 (DR) 提醒行動應用程式來接收事件排定、開始和結束通知。
- 在 CPP 事件期間,您應在下午 4 點至晚上 9 點之間減少用電量,因為在這段時間內,所有用電量的費率將明顯高於正常費率。

Compare Rate Options
See how the new TOU peak periods will affect you. Our Rate Plan Comparison Tool will help you compare rates based on your actual usage.

Get the Facts About CPP
Find answers to frequently asked questions and energy-efficiency tips with our Critical Peak Pricing fact sheet.
Save More with the Technology Incentive Program
If you are enrolled in Critical Peak Pricing, you could get $75 back when you register your qualifying smart thermostat in the Technology Incentive Program.
During a CPP event, we will notify your smart thermostat provider to temporarily adjust the temperature setting on your thermostat to limit A/C usage at your business. You will always have the ability to adjust the temperature during these events, but this could affect your CPP event charges.

Already Own a Smart Thermostat?
Enroll your smart thermostat in the Technology Incentive Program. Click on your thermostat manufacturer below and you will be redirected to the home page to begin your enrollment.
Qualifying Wi-Fi Enabled Thermostats:

Need to Purchase a Smart Thermostat?
Visit the SCE Marketplace for valuable information about smart products, programs, and tools.
在 CPP 事件期間減少用電的貼示
您的企業無需終止營運即可參加 CPP 事件。而這些貼示可以幫助減少 CPP 事件期間的用電量.
- 關閉所有不必要的室內/室外照明、標牌、櫥窗展示、噴泉和未使用的辦公設備。
- 使用可程式化的智慧恒溫器將製冷恒溫器設定提高到 78°F。
- 在販賣機上安裝感測控制器,使其在短時間內關閉。
- 在 CPP 事件期間減少生產,或在離峰或超級離峰時段(當 CPP 事件未發生時)重新安排生產。
- 拔下電池充電器,在高峰時段僅使用預充電設備;在 CPP 事件發生之前為電池供電設備充電。
CPP 成功案例
「共有 55 間工廠和 10 座礦場用於為加州地區和內華達州部分地區的專案生產預拌混凝土和建築粒料,為它們供電需要大量的電力。正因如此,Robertson's Ready Mix 才與 SCE 密切合作,在我們的服務區域內確定理想方案,以減少用電量、降低營運成本,並最大限度減少對環境的影響。」
–Rob Lesch, Robertson's Ready Mix 電氣經理

Have Questions about Critical Peak Pricing?
Find answers to frequently asked questions about critical peak pricing and other rate plans in our Help Center.

Rate Plan Comparison Tool
Not sure what Rate Plan is best for your business? Try our Rate Plan Comparison Tool for Businesses.

Savings & Incentives
Looking for other ways to save money on your next bill? We have several savings and incentive programs for businesses.