Our response to the COVID-19 outbreak

We Must Work Together to Fight COVID-19

Edison International President & CEO Pedro J. Pizarro speaks about the work to meet our communities' near-term and future needs. He also encourages keeping COVID-19 precautions top of mind as we enter the flu season and taking part in the 2020 census.

Click here to view additional videos related to COVID-19.

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Get the Financial Assistance You Need

While temporary COVID-19 emergency response measures have ended, our commitment to our customers will never change. Find the right assistance program for you.

If you have recently lost your job or your income has changed, you may qualify for a reduced energy rate through our CARE or FERA programs, even if you are already receiving unemployment benefits. Both programs have the same application and it only takes 2 minutes to sign up with no additional documentation required.

Learn more about these protections and other services with our Customer Protections Fact Sheet:

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If you’re facing financial hardships or are just looking for ways to save during the COVID-19 emergency, these programs and tools may help. We offer a number of payment assistance options for our customers, including payment extensions and arrangements for customers who may need more time to pay their bill. You can also visit our Help Paying Your Bill page to find out what options are available for you.

If someone in your home requires the use of electrically powered medical devices or equipment, you may qualify for our Medical Baseline Allowance program.

Learn more about how SCE is helping customers lower their electric bills during COVID-19.

If you’re a renter who has experienced financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 and meet income guidelines, you may be eligible for rent and utility bill assistance. Depending on where you live, you may apply to the program administered in your community.

Learn More >

Crews are working in pods to minimize exposure while maintaining physical distance from others.

Due to the nature of their work, our crew members are sometimes unable to maintain physical distancing while making repairs. Just as your family unit, or household, interact but remain physically distant from the rest of the world, our crews interact similarly. When working in the field or in any environment near others, crew members wear a facial covering where practical. We must ensure that the fabric of facial coverings meets safety requirements for working near high-voltage equipment.

Crews are also maintaining physical distance by driving separately whenever possible.

Another precaution we are taking to minimize exposure is driving in separate vehicles when it is practical to do so. As a result, customers may notice more SCE vehicles at job sites. We have also temporarily allowed SCE crew members and essential personnel to drive their personal vehicles to conduct company business. To identify SCE personnel while performing work in the field, employees will present their SCE ID badge upon request while maintaining a safe distance.

If we need to reach you, we’ll call

Customers should not approach crew members and should stay at least six feet away for safety. The safety of our workforce, our customers, and the public remain our top priority.

Don’t fall for scams

Unfortunately, scams targeting utility customers increase during times of uncertainty; we urge you to call us first at 1-800-655-4555 before taking any action, or if you are suspicious about any COVID-19-related emails or calls you receive from people claiming to be with SCE. We will never call you or email you to demand payment and threaten to disconnect your service if payment isn’t received immediately. Learn how to avoid COVID-19 scams.

Scheduled power outages must continue

SCE will be performing important work on the electrical system in your area that will cause the power to be out temporarily. During this unprecedented time, SCE continues to complete work that is necessary to protect public safety, reduce wildfire risk, complete customer-requested efforts and maintain and improve reliability on the electric system. We do not take the decision to proceed with this outage lightly and our teams are working to shorten the duration as much as possible. We appreciate your patience.

Due to the nature of the work, our crew members work together as a “team” to minimize exposure with other colleagues and are sometimes unable to maintain physical distancing during that work. If you see our crew members in your neighborhood, please do not approach them and stay at least 6 feet away for safety. If crew members need to get in touch with you, they will call or knock on your door. Please be assured that the safety of our workforce, our customer and the public remain our top priority.

For more information, please visit SCE’s outage center at www.sce.com/outage.


Safely providing reliable service means critical scheduled outages must continue, even during this unprecedented COVID-19 situation. This is consistent with Gov. Newsom’s “Stay at Home” Executive Order, which recognized that essential work as defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s guidelines must continue.

We are prioritizing critical work necessary to protect our communities from the threat of wildfires and to make urgent repairs, even as we postpone less pressing upgrades. Postponing this critical work could inadvertently create larger and more dangerous risks.

We do not take the decision to proceed with an outage lightly, and our teams are working to shorten the duration as much as possible. We must go forward with work necessary to protect public safety including reducing wildfire risk. We are postponing noncritical work that would cause a customer outage and evaluating each outage on a case-by-case basis.

We’re in this together

To help Californians who are facing economic hardships because of quarantines, taking care of family members or school and business closures, Edison International donated more than $1 million to local nonprofits whose focus is on providing critical services, food and necessities to vulnerable communities in response to COVID-19.

Edison International employees also launched a COVID-19 Relief Fundraiser to help communities impacted by the pandemic. Through employee donations and a company match, more than $414,000 was donated to support nonprofits in SCE’s service area.

We know things will continue to change. We will continue to be here for you and keep you updated as we work through this crisis together.

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