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In order to participate in the program, you must be a local government or campus. Local government is defined as a city, county, special district, school district, political subdivision, other local public agency or a joint powers authority as described in Schedule RES-BCT. Campus is defined as an individual community college, California State University c or individual University of California campus. Eligibility requirements are outlined below:
- An eligible renewable energy resource pursuant to the California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program (Article 16 of the Public Utilities Code, beginning with Section 399.11)
- 5 Megawatts (MW) or less per generating account and located within the geographical boundary of the local government or campus.
- Owned, operated, or on property under the control of the local government or campus.
- Sized to offset part or all of the electricity demand of the local government or campus (the generating account plus the designated benefitting accounts).
- The “generating account” is the designated retail service account interconnected and located on the same premises as your eligible renewable generating facility. The generating account must be served under a Time-of-Use (TOU) rate schedule. The generating account may be included as a benefitting account and receive generation credit; however, the generating account cannot be the sole benefiting account.
- A “benefitting account(s)” is an electric account or accounts designated by you to receive generation credits produced by the electricity exported to the electric grid by your eligible renewable generating facility. The benefiting account(s) must offset property that is owned, operated or on property under the control of the same local government or campus that owns, operates, or controls the eligible renewable generating facility. The benefitting account(s) must also be served under a TOU rate schedule.