SCE Rate Advisory
Our Rates are Changing March 1, 2025
Throughout the year, we submit requests to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to change our rates. These requests must be approved by the CPUC. Changes to our rates may cause your monthly electricity bill to increase or decrease.
Current Average Residential Rate: 31.6 cents per kWh (29.6 cents per kWh w/Climate Credit)
New Average Residential Rate: 31.4 cents per kWh (29.4 cents per kWh w/Climate Credit)
The table below shows an estimate of how your residential SCE bill may be affected by our March 1, 2025 rate change:
Average Residential Customer* Monthly Bill Impacts
Average Residential Customer* Monthly Bill Impacts with California Climate Credit
*A typical residential customer using 500 kWh per month.
The March 1, 2025 rate decrease is the net result of decreases to items collected in electricity rates:
- The rate decrease is the result of SCE removing costs from delivery rates that have been fully recovered from customers. In total, we are removing $161 million in costs from rates.1
We offer a variety of programs, tools, incentives, and rebates to help you reduce energy usage and manage costs at home and at work. Visit our Home Efficiency Guide for energy-saving tips, and learn more about ways to save.
1D.21-01-012 and Advice 4658-E/E-A
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