SCE Rate Advisory - June 1, 2024

SCE Rate Advisory 

Our Rates are Increasing on June 1, 2024

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Throughout the year, we submit requests to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to change our rates. These requests must be approved by the CPUC. Changes to our rates may cause your monthly electricity bill to increase or decrease.

Current Average Residential Rate: 33.8 cents per kWh

New Average Residential Rate: 33.2 cents per kWh

The table below shows an estimate of how your residential SCE bill may be affected by our June 1, 2024, rate decrease:

Average Residential Customer Monthly Bill Impacts


The June 1, 2024, rate decrease is the net result of both increases and decreases to various items collected in electric rates:

The rate decrease is primarily the result of SCE removing costs from rates that have been fully recovered from customers. In total, we are removing $716 million in costs from rates. We also are giving back $24 million that was previously collected – but not spent – on wildfire liability self-insurance.

We are implementing $379 million of costs in rates that were incurred in 2021 associated with reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfires in our service area by enhancing vegetation management, mitigating the impacts of Power Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), and completing other important wildfire mitigation work. The CPUC approved the recovery of these costs in rates in a decision issued in March 2024 (Decision 24-03-008).  

Finally, every June 1, we adjust transmission rates governed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) associated with accessing the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) controlled grid. This rate adjustment resulted in an increase in transmission rates totaling $172 million.

If you need help:

We offer many programs, tools, incentives, and rebates to help you reduce energy usage and manage costs at home and at work. Visit our Home Efficiency Guide for energy-saving tips, and learn more about ways to save.