Residential Energy Management Center

Smart Products
Intelligent products are collaborative, innovative devices featuring the latest technology. They’re designed to give you wireless control over other connected products or appliances that can help make a difference on your monthly energy bill.

Smart Programs
Energy management programs are designed to empower you to make better decisions about how you use energy. Take a few minutes now to learn how these programs can help make a big impact on your energy consumption right away.

Smart Tools
A suite of powerful, advanced online tools that give you the ability to track your energy costs in close-to-real time. They also let you analyze your usage, receive recommendations on which rate option is the best fit for your lifestyle and more.
Other Related Information
Check out these links for other ways we can help you manage and control your energy use.
• Bill Helper - Learn more about income-qualified program offerings
• High Bill Helper - Find out how to put energy conservation into practice
• Manufactured Home Rebate Program (MHRP)
Find upgrades for your mobile-home park by taking advantage of
no-cost energy upgrades for mobile home and mobile-home communities.
• Solar Rebates
Product descriptions subject to change without notice. Southern California Edison does not endorse, qualify, or guarantee and is not responsible or liable for the products or services of any third-party provider. Rebates are part of the Home Energy Efficiency Rebate (HEER) program. HEER is offered on a first-come, first-served basis and is effective until funding is expended or the program is discontinued by the California Public Utilities Commission. All programs are funded by California utility customers and are administered by Southern California Edison under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Read the terms and conditions of each offer, as terms and conditions may change from program to program.
Terms and conditions apply. Savings may vary, and SCE does not guarantee any savings.
Under California law, models of certain types of appliances must be certified by the California Energy Commission before being sold or offered for sale in California. Also, some products in the Energy Commission's database are not eligible for SCE rebates because they do not meet our high energy-efficiency requirements. Before purchasing an appliance, search for your desired model in the Energy Commission's database. View Database >