What is a UUT?
A UUT is a tax levied by a city or county on your electric bill. It is established by tax ordinances in the city or county where you reside. It is not a tax levied or determined by SCE.
Does a UUT apply to all customers?
No. Not all cities and counties have a UUT. Currently only 79 cities and counties in SCE’s service territory levy a UUT, so not all SCE customers pay UUT.
What is changing?
Historically, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Climate Credit was applied to your energy charges prior to calculating any applicable UUT. UUT now will be calculated on energy charges before the Climate Credit is applied. This change affects residential, small commercial, and emission intensive and trade exposed customers that receive a GHG Climate Credit.
Why is this happening?
A city challenged SCE’s method of calculating UUT. SCE agreed to change its method on a going forward basis.
Who should I contact with questions about UUT charges on my bill?
All questions about UUT should be directed to the appropriate city or county finance or treasurer’s office. SCE is not able to answer questions about UUT.
What is a Greenhouse Gas Climate Credit?
For information on this State of California initiative, visit www.cpuc.ca.gov/climatecredit