Our Service Guarantee
We are as committed to providing exceptional service as we are to providing power.
Our commitment is expressed through our Service Guarantee, which applies to active service accounts served under the Residential, General Service and Industrial, or Agricultural and Pumping rate schedules. (Conditions not covered* by the Service Guarantee are listed at the bottom of the page.)

Our Commitment to Customers
Guarantee 1: No Missed Appointments
We guarantee arrival within 30 minutes of the agreed-upon field service appointment time when your presence is required and we have scheduled an appointment (i.e., a service “turn-on,” a billing inquiry, or new meter installation) with you for a specific time. If we fail to meet this guarantee, SCE will credit your bill $30. This guarantee does not apply when:
- There is a need for the field service to respond to an intermediate response event, such as a downed power pole or wire.
Guarantee 2: Restoration of Service Within 24 Hours
We guarantee that your electrical service will be restored within 24 hours of when SCE first becomes aware of a power outage. If we fail to meet this guarantee, SCE will credit your bill $30. Additional credits will be applied for each succeeding 24-hour period that you are without service. This guarantee does not apply when:
- Access to the affected area is denied by a public authority, or the area is not accessible due to a road closure.
- Service interruption is the result of a maintenance outage.
- The affected service location is vacant.
Guarantee 3: Notification of Maintenance Outages
We guarantee to notify you of a maintenance outage at least three (3) calendar days prior to the event. Notification may be made by mail, phone, door-to-door, in person, by e-mail or other electronic means. If we fail to meet this guarantee, SCE will credit your bill $30. This guarantee does not apply when:
- The contact information you provided is incorrect, or we were not notified by you of a request to update your records.
- Notification was made to the customer of record and the customer failed to notify his/her tenants or occupants.
- According to SCE’s records, the U.S. Postal Service failed to deliver the notification in a timely manner.
- The affected service location is vacant.
- An emergent outage is required, such as public or employee safety hazards, overload conditions, or equipment failures, etc.
- While acknowledging the right to receive a three-day notification, you request that the maintenance outage occur without the three-day notification.
Guarantee 4: Timely and Accurate First Bill
We will issue an accurate first bill to a new customer of record within 60 days of establishing service. If we fail to meet this guarantee, SCE will credit your bill $30. This guarantee does not apply when:
- You are attempting to re-establish service following a disconnection for nonpayment.
- Access to the meter or your premises is not available on the date requested.
- A retroactive bill is necessary because you did not request service in a timely fashion after occupying a new residence.
- According to our records, there is a case of mail theft, or the U.S. Postal Service fails to deliver the first bill in a timely manner.
- The information provided at the time of the request was incorrect.
- A CPUC directive requires us to adjust rate factors that result in a billing adjustment and/or rebill.
- An adjustment was made due to unauthorized use.
- A rebill was a direct result of the customer participating in an SCE program such as Critical Peak Pricing, Demand Bidding, Air Conditioning Cycling, or Interruptible programs.
*Conditions not covered by our Service Guarantee:
- A Public Safety Power Shutoff outage due to wildfire mitigation.
- A moderate, severe, or catastrophic storm condition.
- A declared emergency event or cause related to force majeure.
- Access to your premises is not available or you are not ready for service.
- Your premises are deemed unsafe.