You Can Make Smart Choices About Your Energy Use!
Your Home and Business Area Networks (HAN) enables you to view near real-time energy usage data. Access to your home or business electricity consumption in near real-time can help you manage and reduce your electricity use, and potentially lower your electric bill.
You'll be empowered to:
- Conserve energy and help the environment.
- Play an active role and have a choice in how you use energy.
- Decide how and when you want and need to save energy.
Your HAN device will need to remain within 75 feet of the utility meter to maintain good communications.
Enroll a HAN device today by clicking on the link below and completing the form.
HAN Enrollment Form
*This form is best submitted using Chrome or Firefox web browsers. Using any other web browser to complete the form may experience submission issues.
Please allow up to 72 hours for your device to be connected to the meter. Usage will begin to display once successfully connected.
For questions and issues relating to your new or existing HAN device, please submit your questions to our HAN Ops team at HANQuestions@sce.com.
Have questions about devices and programs? Visit our FAQ.
Get a $25 Rebate
Download the Rebate Form
For issues in submitting the rebate form, please download the form, complete, and send an email with the attached form to HANEnrollment@sce.com
Compatible Devices with SCE Smart Meter
We’ve developed a Home and Business Area Network Testing Laboratory to thoroughly evaluate products and devices for compatibility with the SCE smart meter. Those that pass are listed here for your convenience!