What Is BenchMarking?
Benchmarking is a no cost way to measure your building's energy performance and compare it to other buildings using ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®.
Portfolio Manager will score your building from 1 to 100, allowing you to track energy use and verify improvements for building managers, contractors and tenants.
Begin by logging in with your SCE.com User ID - or register if you don't have one - to access your Benchmarking Dashboard. You can then create profiles for your properties and buildings.
What Type of Data is Available?
Aggregated, whole-building data is available to requesters as defined in California Assembly Bill 802. This legislation allows building owners (or authorized agents) to obtain their buildings' total energy usage data (across all tenants). If your building has fewer than three commercial units, all tenants must provide explicit authorization before the data can be released.
Looking for Disaggregated Data?
There are two methods to receive your tenant's disaggregated usage data, and both methods require the customer's authorization before receiving data:
Visit Access Energy Usage Data to find more information.
Get detailed information about how to benchmark your building with SCE.com and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
Benchmarking User GuideFind answers to your questions about benchmarking your building.
Benchmarking FAQLearn how to make better energy decisions for your building. SCE offers both online and on-location courses.
Training CoursesPlease email us if you have any questions about benchmarking