Application Checklist by Renewable Generation Program Type

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ü = Required document

u = May be required (depending on program requirements and/or interconnection configuration)

StandardResidential New Construction
(Tract Homes)1
(Line Side Tap or GMA)
AggregationVirtualMASH/SOMAH - VNMRenewable Fuel CellPaired StorageMulti-Tariff

Documentation Submitted Via Online Application Tool 
Document details and descriptions can be found below.

Application (Form 14-957) including Application Fee2


Single Line Diagram


Final Inspection Job Card


Interconnection Agreement 


Additional Documents (if applicable)
Document details and descriptions can be found below.

California Solar Consumer Protection Guide3 

u uu   uu

Prevailing Wage Disclosure (Form 16-333)4 


Electrical System Sizing Documentation (new/expanded loads greater than the previous 12-month usage history)


Net Billing Tariff Aggregation or Net Energy Metering Aggregation (Form 14-937)


Virtual Net Billing Tariff, Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Allocation Request Form (Form 14-910)




Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing/Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Virtual Net Metering Allocation Request Form (Form 14-654)


Interconnection Facilities Financing and Ownership Agreement (IFFOA)

   uüü uu

Line Side/Supply Side Tap Letter

  uuuu u 

Plot Plan


Parcel Map


Customer Project Information Sheet


Customer-Generator Warranty Form (Form 14-912)

u uuuuüuü

Certificate of General Liability Insurance

u uuuuüuü

Non-Export Relay


Site Exclusivity


Documentation Submitted Via Online Application Tool


Application (Form 14-957) including Application Fee2

Application must include all generations (new and existing) and match the Single Line Diagram (SLD).

Single Line Diagram

Describes generator components and shows the electrical path from generator to SCE meter and clearly identifies the point of interconnection. Specific requirements for each interconnection type can be found in the NEM Interconnection Handbook, Sections 3.1, 5.2, and Appendix E.

Final Inspection Job Card

The final inspection job card is issued by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and must have the AHJ seal, site address, and signature of the inspector. If the final inspection job card is issued by a self-certifying AHJ such as a school district or a sovereign nation, it must be on the AHJ letterhead with the date of final electrical sign-off, service address, and Renewable Generating Facility (RGF) CEC-AC size and be signed by the authorized inspector.

Interconnection Agreement 

  1. Net Billing Tariff or Net Energy Metering Solar and Wind Generating Facility ≤ 10 kW Interconnection Agreement (Form 14-923) / Net Billing Tariff or Net Energy Metering and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Sized > 1 MW Interconnection Agreement (Form 14-974), OR

  2. Net Billing Tariff or Net Energy Metering and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement for ≤ 1 MW (Form 16-344) / Net Billing Tariff or Net Energy Metering and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Sized > 1 MW Interconnection Agreement (Form 14-974), OR

  3. Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement Multiple Tariffs (Form 14-773) / Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement for Multiple Tariffs Using an NBT or NEM-ST Generating Facility Sized > 1 MW (Form 14-972), OR

  4. Virtual Net Billing Tariff or Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Interconnection Agreement for ≤ 1 MW (Form 14-909) / Virtual Net Billing Tariff or Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Interconnection Agreement for Generating Facilities Sized > 1 MW (Form 14-973), OR

  5. Virtual Net Metering for Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing and Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program Interconnection Agreement for ≤ 1 MW (Form 14-653) / Virtual Net Metering for Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing and Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program Interconnection Agreement for Generating Facilities Sized > 1 MW (Form 14-971)

  • Residential Accounts: The Agreement must be signed by the person listed on the SCE bill, or a spouse listed on the SCE account.
  • Non-Residential Accounts: The individual signing the agreement must be an officer of the corporation or an equivalent official.

Please ensure the correct and applicable version of the Interconnection Agreement 

Additional Documents (if applicable)


California Solar Consumer Protection Guide3  

  1. Customer-initialed and customer-signed pages of the California Solar Consumer Protection Guide

  2. A completed Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Solar Energy System Disclosure Document;

  3. A copy of the executed contract for the installation of the solar system. 

As part of California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Decision D.18-09-044, interconnection applicants submitting solar net energy metering interconnection applications on behalf of existing residential single-family-home customers on or after September 30, 2019, are required to upload the following documents to the utility’s interconnection application portal: 1) customer-initialed and customer-signed pages of the California Solar Consumer Protection Guide, 2) a completed Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Solar Energy System Disclosure Document; and 3) a copy of the executed contract for the installation of the solar system. Existing residential single-family-home applicants with an installation contract signed on or before September 30, 2019, are required to upload only the signed installation contract. These documents may be subject to periodic review or audit by either the utility, the CPUC, or the CSLB (depending on the document type).

Prevailing Wage Disclosure (Form 16-333)4 

As part of CPUC Decision D.23-11-068, the purpose of prevailing wage laws is to ensure fair competition among contractors and to protect the wages of workers. Interconnection applicants submitting any application on behalf of existing residential and/or commercial customers on or after 1/1/2024 are required to complete the Prevailing Wage Checklist, submit a Prevailing Wage Disclosure Form (if applicable), and certify that past required submittals of payroll records are up to date.

Electrical System Sizing Documentation (new/expanded loads greater than the previous 12-month usage history)

If the estimated production based on the NEM Interconnection Handbook calculation is greater than the previous 12 months’ usage, an electrical system sizing document must be submitted as follows:

Net Energy Metering (one of the following):

  • Customer System Size Acknowledgment (CSSA) Form: Applicable to residential systems sized 30 kW and smaller only. Not accepted for New Construction or Non-Residential projects.
  • Load Justification Form: The form must be fully completed and submitted with proof of purchase and installation.
  • Building Simulation Report: i.e., ECON1, UTIL1, EQUEST, or professional engineering report.

Net Billing Tariff:

  • Attestations: Selected in the Interconnection Application. 


Net Billing Tariff Aggregation or Net Energy Metering Aggregation (Form 14-937)

The primary account listed is the account or new service the RGF is interconnected; the benefitting accounts are the meters that are contiguous and adjacent to the parcel of land the RGF is on.

Virtual Net Billing Tariff, Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Allocation Request Form (Form 14-910)

Designates beneficiary accounts for credits from exported generation.

Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing/Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Virtual Net Metering Allocation Request Form (Form 14-654)

Designates beneficiary accounts for credits from exported generation.

Interconnection Facilities Financing and Ownership Agreement (IFFOA)

The IFFOA must be signed by the SCE Customer of Record (DocuSign is acceptable).

Line Side/Supply Side Tap Letter

Please refer to the NEM Interconnection Handbook, Section 5.2 and Appendix F. This letter is required in addition to the P.E. stamped Single Line. 
NOTE: This document must be submitted for any interconnection application with a “Line-Side Tap” or point of connection is done between the main breaker and the service meter.

Plot Plan

Please refer to the NEM Interconnection Handbook Sections 5.2, 5.3.6, 5.5.3, 5.5.6 and Appendix C.

Parcel Map

  1. Must include RGF Location, APN#, SA#, Orientation, all Meter #s in the Aggregation arrangement, and their location, and show that the parcels are adjacent and contiguous. The information must match Form 14-937.

  2. GPS coordinates of the proposed RGF & switchboard are required for new services.

Customer Project Information Sheet

For Generation Meter Adaptor (GMA) and NGOM installations. The Legal Contact is the party that will receive the invoice for the installation of the meter.

Customer-Generator Warranty Form (Form 14-912)

Required for RGFs using renewable fuel cells, hydroelectric, non-export, or municipal solid waste technology. Warranty that the generator meets the requirements for an eligible customer-generator and is an eligible RGF facility pursuant to CPUC § 2827.

Certificate of General Liability Insurance

Document that verifies business liability insurance coverage and condenses vital information about the insurance policy into one page. Required for projects > 1 MW, fuel cell, and multi-tariff projects in accordance with section 8 or 9 of the applicable interconnection agreement.

Non-Export Relay

This information is required if a Non-Export Relay is being installed instead of the NGOM in order to meet the metering requirements for a Paired Storage Device greater than 10 kW inverter nameplate or MT installations that include a non-NEM generating facility. All three documents are needed to meet this requirement:

  1. Three Line Diagram - shows all three phases of the system, including the ground scheme.

  2. Relay Logic Diagram/Elementary Diagram

  3. Relay output file (must include 32 U Element)

Site Exclusivity

All projects greater than 1 MW must provide Site Exclusivity documentation with their application. Site Exclusivity shall mean documentation reasonably demonstrating:

  1. For private land: (a) Ownership of, a leasehold interest in, or a right to develop property upon which the Generating Facility will be located consisting of a minimum of 50% of the acreage reasonably necessary to accommodate the Generating Facility; or (b) an option to purchase or acquire a leasehold interest in property upon which the Generating Facility will be located consisting of a minimum of 50% of the acreage reasonably necessary to accommodate the Generating Facility.

  2. For Public land, including that controlled or managed by any federal, state, or local agency, a final, non-appealable permit, license, or other right to use the property for the purpose of generating electric power and in acreage reasonably necessary to accommodate the Generating Facility, which exclusive right to use public land under the management of the federal Bureau of Land Management shall be in a form specified by the Bureau of Land Management.

Expose as Block


  1. Permanent service is required prior to Permission to Operate being issued for New Construction projects. 
  2. $94 for systems ≤ 1 MW, $800 for systems > 1MW
  3. Not required for Self-Installs or Non-Residential, Expansion, or Multifamily projects.
  4. Not applicable for the following project types:  
    • Residential 15 kW or less; 
    • A residential single-family home; 
    • A Public Works project subject to Article 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code;
    • A modular home, modular home community, or multi-unit housing that has two or fewer stories.
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