2024 IPE RFP

In this 2024 Interconnection Process Enhancement Request for Proposal (“2024 IPE RFP”), Southern California Edison Company (“SCE”) is soliciting (“Proposal(s)”) from interested Participants with projects in CAISO’s Queue-Cluster 15 (“QC-15”) who are seeking LSE Commercial Interest Point Allocation pursuant to the CAISO Tariff Amendment - Track 2 of Interconnection Process Enhancements 2023 Initiative.

RFP Schedule

September 13, 2024RFP Launch 
October 3, 2024, 5PM SCE or its affiliates Submission Deadline 
October 4, 2024, 5PM Participant Submission Deadline 
By November 1, 2024RFP Selection Notification 
From selection notification to December 23, 2024 Exclusivity and ROFO Agreement Execution1 
December 3, 2024, 5PMDeadline for selected participants to notify SCE of resubmitted QC-15 IR Application to CAISO (due to CAISO during Oct 1 – Dec 2, 2024 refresh window)2 
No later than December 23, 2024Submit point allocation to CAISO 


* SCE reserves the right in its sole discretion to add, remove, or modify any event, event date, or submittal requirement. Participants are encouraged to monitor the PowerAdvocate website for updates and possible amendments to the RFO, the RFO Instructions, other solicitation materials, or the solicitation process.

1 Agreements will be executed on a rolling basis. Given the timeline of this activity, those Offerors accepting SCE’s pro forma Exclusivity and ROFO Agreements will be prioritized, and redlines, if any, should be kept to a minimum.

2 Notification must be with a certificate or Affidavit from an officer of the Participant that states that Interconnection Request (“IR”) has been resubmitted during the CAISO QC-15 Refresh Window and lists what changes have been made to its original IR application or states no changes were made to original application.

2024 IPE RFP Website

SCE will be using PowerAdvocate® for the RFP website. Further information on the 2024 IPE RFP is available on PowerAdvocate®. Offerors intending to submit Proposal(s), but who do not yet have an existing PowerAdvocate® account, must first register to create a username/password with PowerAdvocate® to receive access to event 223331. Users with an existing PowerAdvocate® account may request access by clicking this link.

SCE strongly encourages Participants who do not have an existing account to establish one well before the RFP Due Date, as it may take some time. For additional information on registering on PowerAdvocate®, please see theSupplier's Guide.

Independent Evaluator (IE)

Merrimack Energy will provide independent oversight throughout the solicitation process. All direct email contact with SCE should copy the IE at Keith.Oliver@Merrimackenergy.com .

SCE Contacts

If you are unable to access the PowerAdvocate® event to send a message (the preferred communication channel) or have questions about this RFP prior to registering at the above PowerAdvocate® link, please contact IPE@sce.com.

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