Solar Billing Plan - Understanding Export Pricing
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How to Read the Energy Export Pricing Data File:
- This file shows the hourly prices for exporting solar energy to SCE for 20 years. There's a unique set of SCE Solar Billing Plan (SBP) prices, based on your vintage year, as shown below. The Solar Billing Plan may also be called Net Billing Tariff (NBT):
- NBT23: For customers who applied in 2023 and have fixed prices for 9 years.
- NBT24: For customers who applied in 2024 and have fixed prices for 9 years.
- NBT25: For customers who applied in 2025 and have fixed prices for 9 years.
- NBT00: For customers who do not have fixed prices.
- The prices are presented in Universal Time Coordinates (UTC) format, which is 8 hours ahead of PST. For example, 12:00:00am PST on 1/1/2024 is 8:00:00am UTC on the same day.
- SCE has to provide 20 years of prices, but they are not guaranteed for all customers.
- If you have NBT23, NBT24 or NBT25, you only have fixed prices for 9 years from the date you started using solar energy. After that, the prices may change.
- If you have NBT00, the current year prices are the actual prices. After that, the prices are for illustrative purposes and may change.
- The file has different columns that explain the prices. Here is what they mean:
- RIN (Rate Identification Number) Column:
1. United States, California
2. This tells you if the price is for Delivery or Generation.
- Delivery: “USCA-SCXX”, the Delivery Service EEC Price (transmission, distribution, greenhouse adder and methane leakage) component.
- Generation: “USCA-XXSC”, the Generation EEC Price (energy, cap and trade and generation capacity) component.
- NOTE: If you buy your energy from another source, such as a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) or other Energy Service Provider (ESP), you need to check with them about energy export pricing.
3. This tells you which vintage of SBP/NBT the values are for. The number after “NBT” is the year you applied. For example, NBT23 means you applied in 2023.
4. There is no definition, yet.
- Dates and Times Columns: These tell you when the price is effective.
- DateStart and DateEnd: These are the dates in UTC time.
- TimeStart and TimeEnd: These are the times in UTC time.
- DayStart and DayEnd: These are the days in PST time. They are numbers from 1 to 8. 1-5 are Monday to Friday, 6-7 are Saturday and Sunday, and 8 is a holiday.
- ValueName:
- Month
- Weekday or Weekend
- HS (Hour Start) and hour of the day (Hours 0-23) in Pacific Prevailing Time
- Value and Unit Columns: This tells you the value of export kWh for this interval. The unit is US dollars.
- Rate Type: All NBT customers are TOU rate type.