The Solar Billing Plan (SBP) is a new program for customers who apply for interconnection of an eligible renewable generating system, such as solar or wind, after April 14, 2023. The Solar Billing Plan succeeds the Net Energy Metering (NEM) 2.0 program.1
Important Updates
As we continue to receive a record volume of NEM applications, processing timelines have increased, and the current review time may take up to 30 business days. Applications submitted by the April 14 deadline will continue through the review process. We will review applications on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will determine whether the minimum documentation requirements were met. All applications deemed valid will be eligible to proceed under the NEM 2.0 program. If your application is determined to be ineligible for NEM 2.0, you will have the option to continue your application under the Solar Billing Plan. Please note these programs are subject to change. For more information, please see the Solar Billing Plan FAQ.
How to Get Started
There are several things to consider once you make the decision to install your own renewable generator and want to get started with the Solar Billing Plan. Listed below are several valuable resources that you can use to obtain information on solar, recommendations, and the process:
- SCE Solar Billing Plan Homepage
- CPUC California Solar Consumer Protection Guide
- California DG Stats – Find An Active Solar or Storage Installer Near You
- SCE's Solar and Battery storage Marketplace
We recommend requesting a handful of quotes from different solar developers to ensure you make a decision that aligns with your budget and energy needs. In addition, SCE's Solar Marketplace is available to customers who would like more help navigating the process of procuring solar. The Marketplace connects you with an energy advisor that will help you navigate the solar process, provide quotes from multiple solar vendors, and facilitate the installation process once you select a contractor.
How Long Does It Take to Get Your System Approved for Operation
Once you select a contractor and sign an agreement, your contractor generally takes on the responsibility of submitting all documentation needed to receive a Permission to Operate (PTO) from SCE, which is required before your system can be turned on. In general, most customers receive PTO within 10 business days, though actual processing time may be impacted by the complexity of your installation or application volume.2
Energy Export Credit (EEC)
On the Solar Billing Plan, Energy Export Credits will be applied to the amount of electricity a customer exports to the grid and will reflect the electricity’s value to the electric grid during each hour of the day. Energy Export Credits will be calculated by taking the kilowatt hours generated by the customer’s generating system that are exported hourly to the grid multiplied by the Energy Export Credit prices. These EEC prices will vary hourly throughout the day. Customers who enroll in the Solar Billing Plan in the next five years will have fixed EEC prices for the first nine years of operation. This nine-year period is referred to as the lock-in period.
Energy Export Bonus Credit
To encourage early adoption of the Solar Billing Plan, residential customers who enroll in the first five years are also eligible to receive an additional credit. Those enrolling in the first year of the program will receive an additional $0.04 per kWh for residential customers and $0.09 per kWh for low-income customers. Currently, three groups of customers are considered low-income:
- Residential customers who are enrolled in the CARE and FERA programs.
- Residential owners of single-family homes in Disadvantaged Communities, or
- Residential customers living in Tribal Communities.
IMPORTANT: New construction homes are not eligible for the Energy Export Bonus Credit.
For more information or questions about Solar Billing Plan or Interconnection, please visit sce.com/solarbillingplan.
For more information about Disadvantaged Communities designation, please visit https://oehha.ca.gov/calenviroscreen/report/calenviroscreen-40.
Be sure to read the California Solar Consumer Protection Guide to understand the steps involved in going solar, know your rights as a solar customer and obtain information to decide if going solar is right for you.
For information about incentive programs for solar and / or energy storage, please consider the following programs:
- California Single-Family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) Program
- Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH)
- Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)