What is Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)?

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What is Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)?

The Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) Program is a debt forgiveness payment plan option for residential CARE and FERA customers who have past due bills totaling $500 or greater which are at least 90 days old. In exchange for making on-time payment of your current monthly bill, AMP will forgive 1/12 of the eligible total past due amount. Other terms and conditions are detailed below in the FAQ’s*.

How Does AMP Work?

The AMP program will forgive 1/12 of your eligible utility debt after each on-time payment of your current bill. After 12 on-time payments of individual monthly bills, the debt is fully forgiven (up to $8,000 per customer).

NOTE: Once you are approved for AMP, you will receive a new Contract Account number. 

Once your application has been processed and you have been issued a new Contract Account Number, it is very important to ensure that all monthly payments are received by SCE before the due date and paid in full. Customers who miss two sequential or three non-sequential payments will be removed from AMP.

Who Is Eligible For AMP?

To be eligible for AMP, customers must:

  • Be enrolled in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program
  • Have total arrears of $500 or greater, some of which are at least 90 days old
  • Have been a customer of SCE for at least six months
  • Have made an on-time payment within the last 24 months that equals or exceeds the most current customer bill at the time of payment

NOTE: Customers who enroll in the AMP program are not eligible for installment plans.

IMPORTANT: Net Energy Metering (NEM), Direct Access (DA), and master metered customers are not currently eligible.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the past due amount displayed on your current bill is greater than the sum of your previous two months’ bills, you most likely owe an amount that is at least 90 days old. You can also call 1-800-655-4555 to receive help in determining eligibility.

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Your most recent bill will display any amount past due at the time the bill was mailed. You can also call 1-800-655-4555 to receive help in determining eligibility.

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On-time payment is defined as a payment that equals or exceeds the current monthly bill within 19 days of the bill date.

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SCE’s AMP is in accordance with SCE’s Rule 9 and Schedules D-CARE, D-FERA, TOU-D, and TOU-D-T, which can be found by visiting https://www.sce.com/regulatory/tariff-books.

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At this time, NEM customers are not eligible for AMP. These customers may be included in the future.

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At this time, DA customers are not eligible for AMP. These customers may be included in the future.

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At this time, master metered customers are not eligible for AMP. These customers may be included in the future.

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Yes, customers who receive service through a CCA can participate in AMP.

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For customers who meet the above eligibility requirements, the amount eligible for the AMP is the total account past due balance as of the enrollment date not to exceed $8,000.

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Any new bills issued on or after AMP enrollment are ineligible and will be the customer's responsibility.

NOTE: Customers who enroll in the AMP program are not eligible for installment plans.

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The maximum eligible amount for AMP forgiveness per instance of customer enrollment is $8,000.

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Because AMP is limited to $8,000, any arrears greater than $8,000 will be suspended while you are on AMP. You will only be required to pay your current bill while enrolled in AMP. You will not be required to make payments towards the balance of arrears greater than $8,000 while enrolled in AMP. Once you exit AMP, you will be offered a 12-month payment plan for any outstanding arrears that remain.

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12 on-time payments. Additionally, after 12 on-time payments are made, your entire past due amount is forgiven up to $8,000.

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A payment that is not paid in full by the due date will be considered a missed payment. Customers that miss two sequential or three non-sequential payments will be removed from AMP.

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If you are removed from AMP before reaching 12 on-time payments, there will be no impact to the debt already forgiven. For example, if you made 6 on-time payments before being removed from AMP, you will still have half your total eligible arrears forgiven. However, you will be responsible for any remaining debt that has not been forgiven.

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If you are removed from AMP, you are eligible to sign up again after a 12-month waiting period, provided you still meet the eligibility requirements. The waiting period starts the month after you are dropped from the program.

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If you successfully complete the program, you may enroll again after a 12-month waiting period, provided you still meet the eligibility requirements. The waiting period starts the month after you complete AMP.

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Customers that exit AMP with arrears will be offered a 12-month payment plan.

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The payment plan will be replaced by AMP and you will have your eligible unpaid debt forgiven by making 12 on-time payments of your current bill.

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Yes, customers can request a BBP while on AMP.

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LIHEAP assistance will be applied to the monthly bills and not the balance of the arrears. Any remaining LIHEAP amount will be held and applied to future monthly bills.

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You will receive a welcome letter via USPS with your new Contract Account number, and program guidelines. If you wish to pay your bills online, please enroll your new account number on www.sce.com. Please use your new Contract Account number to pay your bills.

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Immediately contact SCE to advise the AMP department of your delayed statement. Please pay your most recent bill period amount by the due date to remain on the program.

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