Rate Options for Clean Energy Technology


Go Electric with a Great Plan

Get more value for your Electric Vehicle (EV) and other clean energy tech with TOU-D-PRIME. If you charge your EV at home when rates are lowest—between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.—it’s roughly equivalent to a gas-powered driver paying less than $2 for a gallon of gasoline. This Time-Of-Use (TOU) rate plan has the same periods as TOU-D-4-9PM, and although it has a higher fixed daily basic charge compared to other TOU rates and no baseline credit, it does offer lower kilowatt hour rates, so it is ideal for customers who tend to use more energy. To enroll in TOU-D-PRIME, you must attest that you’re eligible and have an electric vehicle or other qualifying equipment.

Customers who have or install a second meter at their household for charging their EV will qualify for a monthly “EV Meter Credit” on their bill to offset basic charges associated with that second meter. Monthly credit for eligible participants does not go into effect until October 2022. 

Who is eligible?

  • Electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle owners and lessees
  • Households with residential batteries
  • Households with electric heat pumps for water or space heating

Ways to Save with TOU-D-PRIME:

  • Charge your EV between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Avoid using energy between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.
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October - May
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Super Off-Peak
9pm 12am
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To sign up for TOU-D-PRIME, you must attest to having an electric vehicle (EV), your own energy storage system, or electric heat pump system for water or space heating. Customers switching from TOU-D-A, TOU-D-B or TOU-D-T do not need an attestation.  Additionally, any EV customers on TOU-D-PRIME who have or installs a second meter to charge their EV will qualify for a monthly credit on their bill to offset basic charges for that second meter.

Highest rates: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Daily Basic Charge: $0.53
Minimum Daily Charge: None
Baseline Credit: None

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Sign Up for TOU-D-PRIME

Find out if the TOU-D-PRIME rate plan is right for you. You can compare your current rate plan to all available rate plans, including TOU-D-PRIME by visiting the Rate Plan Comparison Tool.

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TOU-EV-1 is a discontinued rate plan which has limited availability to customers where TOU-D-PRIME is not a viable option. If you are a multi-unit dwelling resident, or are moving into a house with an existing dedicated EV charging station meter, click here to view information on TOU discontinued rates.

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Explore EV Rates & Savings

Get more info about how you can help your wallet while helping the environment with an EV.

EV Rates & Savings >


Other TOU Plan Options

All of our TOU plans feature rates that vary based on the time of day, day of the week, and season. Explore more options to find the right one for your household.

TOU Rate Plans >

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