Get Outage Alerts
Learn when there’s an outage in your area and when your power will be restored.
Outage and PSPS Alerts for SCE Customers
Find out when an outage of any kind may affect your neighborhood. Go to the Preference Center in My Account and choose to receive alerts by email, text, or voice call.
PSPS Address Alerts for Non-SCE Customers
These alerts are helpful for residential and commercial tenants who do not maintain their own SCE service accounts, caregivers, frequent travelers, and service providers. You can choose to receive alerts by email, text, and/or voice message. Standard message and data rates apply.
Help to Stay Safe During Power Shutoffs
If you or someone in your household uses life-sustaining medical equipment or relies on electricity to manage a medical condition and is not currently enrolled in our Medical Baseline Allowance program, it is important that you let us know. That way we’ll know to take extra steps to notify you about PSPS outages in your area that could result in your home losing power.
Complete the self-certification form below so we can place a note on your account. If a PSPS outage occurs, we’ll know to send a representative to your home to make contact if we are unable to reach you by email, voice call, or text.
Your completed self-certification form is only good for 90 days. It does not automatically renew but you can resubmit the form to renew it.
If someone in your household has a chronic or permanent condition that requires long-term use of electrically powered equipment, please visit to find out if you qualify for our Medical Baseline Allowance program.

Access and Functional Needs
We offer resources and support for the diverse needs of our customers during Public Safety Power Shutoffs.
Customer Resources and Support
We offer programs and resources to help you prepare for outages and other emergencies. You may be eligible for rebates or incentives for portable backup battery solutions, home solar installation, or battery storage solutions.