Demand Response Eligibility
Are you eligible for the Demand Response program? Find eligibility requirements below.
To participate in Demand Response programs, you must be a non-residential customer within SCE’s service territory with an Edison SmartConnect® or other qualifying interval data meter to monitor your energy use. Be sure to choose the plan or plans that are right for your business. The list below includes general eligibility requirements. For detailed eligibility requirements please refer to the program fact sheets or Tariff Sheets. You may also contact your SCE Account Representative or our Demand Response Help desk at 1-866-334-7827.
If your business is billed under an Agricultural and Pumping rate schedule and uses a measured demand of at least 37 kilowatts or a connected load of at least 50 horsepower, you may be eligible for this program. Businesses with service under Option A of the TOU-PA tariff or receiving off-peak credits through Schedule PA-1 are not eligible. (Other exclusions apply. See the program Tariff Sheet for details).
Auto-DR participation is open to all business customers in SCE’s service territory. To participate in Auto-DR, you must:
- Meet the minimum kW requirements of the eligible DR program(s) in which you are enrolled or will enroll in
- Receive bundled or direct access electric service from SCE
- Be billed on an SCE commercial, industrial, or agricultural rate schedule
- Have an installed interval (IDR) or Edison SmartConnect® meter
- Remain enrolled in a qualifying DR program for 36 or 60 consecutive months (depending on the program and payment option selected) if you have been paid a technology incentive
Auto-DR Express
Auto-DR Customized
For more information, view our Program Handbook.
Through this internet-based program, your business can earn payments for agreeing to reduce your energy use during Capacity Bidding Program (CPB) events, which helps ease the stress on the electrical grid when resources become constrained.
How It Works
Your business can participate by making monthly nominations (also known as “bids”), to reduce your energy load and be compensated with payments based on your actual energy reduction when a Capacity Bidding Program event is called. This program is designed to offer you the flexibility to adjust your bid and your participation preferences every month. You may select to be notified the day before an event. You’ll never be required to reduce your load by more than 30 hours in any month.
Read more about the Capacity Bidding Program on our CBP-E Fact Sheet.
Still, have questions about CBP-E? Find answers on our CBP-E FAQ Sheet.
If your business is enrolled in Bundled Service, Direct Access, or Community Choice Aggregation, or is an aggregator of these customers, you are eligible to take advantage of the Capacity Bidding Program. You also must have Internet access and an SCE-approved communication interval metering system that records your usage in 15-minute intervals.
Ready to apply?
Select a Capacity Bidding Program Aggregator or learn how to become an aggregator for your service accounts. For more information, contact your SCE Account Manager or call the Demand Response Help Desk at 1-866-334-7827. For complete terms and conditions for the Capacity Bidding Program, see our Tariff sheet.
CPP is an optional rate that provides four months of summer season bill credits in exchange for paying higher electricity prices during 12 to 15 annual CPP events.
When called, CPP events are from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on any day of the week, usually occurring on the hottest summer days. By reducing electricity use during CPP events, you can minimize these higher prices. Plus, your business will earn credits on your electricity bills during the summer season when your bills are typically the highest.
For the first 12 months, your business is enrolled at this rate, we provide bill protection—you won’t pay more than you would have paid on your previous rate Contact our Demand Response Help desk at 1-800-990-7788.
Your energy usage during CPP Event Days will be charged at a higher rate for the duration of the events, as outlined in the tariff. SCE may, at its discretion, call a CPP Event any day of the week, CPP Events will be called based on any one of the following criteria:
- California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Watch, EEA-1, or EEA-2 Notice
- Forecasts of SCE system emergencies – may be declared at the generation, transmission, or distribution circuit level
- Forecasts of extreme or unusual temperature conditions impacting system demand
Day-ahead load and/or price forecasts
To learn more, visit or view the CPP fact sheet.
To be eligible to participate, non-residential (commercial, industrial, and agricultural) individual bundled-service customers must be able to reduce load by a minimum of one kilowatt during an ELRP event, have an SCE-approved interval meter or SmartConnect™ meter that can measure energy consumption, at least hourly, and if applicable, can measure exported energy. Dual participation in BIP, AP-I, SDP-C, CPP, and RTP is allowed. Customers are encouraged to review their historical summer energy demands to determine an achievable bid amount.
Learn more or enroll at
If your business can commit to reducing energy use by 15% on your entire circuit during every rotating outage, you may be eligible for a rotating outage exemption through the Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment program.
Read our fact sheet about the OBMC program to learn more.
For the complete terms and conditions of the Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment Program, see our Tariff sheet.
Ready to Apply?
To participate and file a plan, contact your SCE Account Representative or call the Demand Response Help desk at 1-866-334-7827.
This program is designed to benefit your business if you have the flexibility to shift or reduce energy usage to times when temperatures are lower. Real-time pricing sets rates according to season, time of day, and temperature, so you’ll be able to significantly reduce your costs by irrigating and pumping during off-peak hours. Temperature monitoring is the key to achieving the benefits of this program.
How It Works
We set rates for this program according to the time of year, time of day, and temperature data recorded the previous day in downtown Los Angeles by the National Weather Service. Hourly prices tend to be highest during the hottest part of the day during the summer season (June 1 until October 1), while hourly prices tend to be lower during the winter season (October 1 until June 1).
If you’re a pumping or agricultural business customer on a bundled service, you’re eligible for the Pumping and Agricultural Real-Time Pricing (PA-RTP) rate. At least 70% of your electricity consumption must be for general agricultural purposes or general water/sewage pumping. (None of the remaining electrical usage can be for purposes that a domestic rate schedule would apply to.) In most cases, your maximum demand should not exceed 500 kilowatts per month (or has not done so for any three months during the previous year) to be eligible for this rate.
Learn more about rates for Pumping and Agriculture RTP.
Ready to Apply?
To get started, contact your SCE Account Representative or call the Demand Response Help desk at 1-800-334-7827.
If your business has flexibility around its operations schedule, you may want to consider the Real-Time Pricing rate schedule. This rate is beneficial if you can reduce energy usage during hours with higher temperature-driven prices, and/or shift usage to lower-priced hours.
How It Works
Except for holidays, prices under this rate are set according to season, temperature, and time of day. Temperature-based rates are determined by the previous day’s high temperatures in downtown Los Angeles as recorded by the National Weather Service. You can sign up for RTP courtesy alert notifications so your business can plan its energy use and shift it accordingly to maximize savings.
If you are a customer who can actively reduce usage on hot summer days during the highest-priced hours, RTP may be beneficial for your business. With RTP, you have the flexibility to manage your load. Generally, the less electricity you use during hours when energy prices are highest, the less you can expect to pay, and the lower your energy costs.
RTP pricing schedules are based on the season and the prior day’s temperature. There are seven different pricing schedules for RTP: three different pricing schedules during the summer season, two during the winter season, and two that apply on all weekends throughout the year.
RTP is open to all business sizes and industries.
You’ll need an interval meter—a meter that measures your electricity use in 15-minute increments—installed to participate.
Ready to Apply?
To get started, contact your SCE Account Representative or call the Demand Response Help desk at 1-800-334-7827.
View our Real-Time Pricing fact sheet for more information, or for the complete terms and conditions, see our Tariff sheets below:
If you are a large business or industrial customer with the flexibility to reduce load for a few hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays) in the summer months, this program could benefit your bottom line.
How It Works
When you participate in the Scheduled Load Reduction Program, you choose the timing of your load reduction among three options: 8 a.m.—12:00 p.m.; 12:00 p.m.—4 p.m.; or 4 p.m.—8 p.m. during summer weekdays, excluding holidays. You’ll receive credits on your bill for reducing your usage compared to the previous year, based on your program commitment.
Read our SLRP in our Fact Sheet to learn more.
To qualify for Scheduled Load Reduction incentives, your business must have bundled service and an average monthly energy demand of 100 kilowatts per month. You also must commit to a load reduction of at least 15% based on your maximum demand over the previous 12 months, which also cannot have been less than 100 kilowatts. If you have service through an alternate provider (Direct Access) or are enrolled in a California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) program, you are not eligible. Participation is limited and provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Ready to Apply?
To get started, contact your SCE Account Representative or call the Demand Response Help Desk at 1-866-334-7827.
For the complete terms and conditions for the Scheduled Load Reduction Program, see our Tariff sheet.
The Summer Discount Plan is a year-round, event-based program that allows SCE to turn or cycle off customers' air conditioners. In return, customers have the opportunity to earn bill credits on their summer season bills. Bill credits are based on the size of the air conditioner. Customers have three different options to choose from. Visit the website for further details.
If you are a business of any size in SCE’s service territory, you are eligible for this program. You must have a working central air conditioning unit, receive adequate signal reception, take service under one of SCE’s qualifying Commercial & Industrial rates, and not be enrolled in the Capacity Bidding Program (CBP) or the Time of Use Base Interruptible Program (TOU-BIP). If you are a tenant, you are responsible for determining whether approval of your property owner/manager is required for the installation and operation of the cycling device before submitting your application. A minimum one-year commitment is required.
Learn more about SDP for Residential.
Learn more about SDP for Businesses.
To be eligible to participate, your business must have a registered demand reaching or exceeding 200 kilowatts. You’ll need to choose a Firm Service Level (FSL) that reflects the amount of electricity you need to operate during a demand response event, and a participation option, which is the amount of time (15 or 30 minutes) you need to respond to each event. You’ll also need to commit to reducing your demand by at least 15% (and no less than 100 kilowatts) during each event. (See the program Tariff Sheet for details).