CPP is an optional rate that provides four months of summer season bill credits in exchange for paying higher electricity prices during 12 to 15 annual CPP events.
When called, CPP events are from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on any day of the week, usually occurring on the hottest summer days. By reducing electricity use during CPP events, you can minimize these higher prices. Plus, your business will earn credits on your electricity bills during the summer season when your bills are typically the highest.
For the first 12 months, your business is enrolled at this rate, we provide bill protection—you won’t pay more than you would have paid on your previous rate Contact our Demand Response Help desk at 1-800-990-7788.
Your energy usage during CPP Event Days will be charged at a higher rate for the duration of the events, as outlined in the tariff. SCE may, at its discretion, call a CPP Event any day of the week, CPP Events will be called based on any one of the following criteria:
- California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Watch, EEA-1, or EEA-2 Notice
- Forecasts of SCE system emergencies – may be declared at the generation, transmission, or distribution circuit level
- Forecasts of extreme or unusual temperature conditions impacting system demand
Day-ahead load and/or price forecasts
To learn more, visit www.sce.com/cpp or view the CPP fact sheet.