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Summer Discount Plan Terms & Conditions
Summer Discount Plan Terms & Conditions,
& Disclaimers
Eligibility & Requirements
The Summer Discount Plan (SDP) program is subject to the availability of cycling devices and adequate device signal strength at your location.
The Summer Discount Plan is not recommended for anyone unable to tolerate high temperatures or who has health problems such as asthma, heart disease, or respiratory conditions.
If you currently receive a medical baseline allocation for air conditioning, or if you are on the DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, or DS domestic rates, you are not eligible to participate in the Summer Discount Plan. If you are participating in the Smart Energy Program, you are not eligible to enroll in the Summer Discount Plan.
To participate, your central air conditioner must be in good working order at enrollment and throughout your participation. Cycling devices will not be installed on non-operational air conditioners. If your central air conditioner becomes inoperable while you are participating in the Summer Discount Plan, you should have it repaired immediately. If it is discovered that your air conditioner is not in good working order or that you have tampered with the cycling device, your service account may be removed from the program. If you have any rooftop air conditioners on the Summer Discount Plan, you will not be eligible for the “override” options.
If you are a tenant, you are responsible for determining whether your property owner or manager’s approval is required for the installation and operation of the cycling device. If so, you are responsible for obtaining this approval before submitting your application to us.
Except for existing SDP customers with an installed interval data recorder (IDR) meter capable of registering hourly interval usage data before January 1, 2017, all existing and new customers must have an Edison SmartConnect® meter installed and program ready to participate in SDP.
Your account must register the use of a minimum of 1.5 kWh, one hour before or after, in at least one SDP event per calendar year to remain eligible to participate in the SDP Program. This requirement is known as “the Minimum Usage Requirement.” An annual review of customer’s electric usage will be conducted by SCE no later than January 31 of each calendar year. At the annual review time, SCE will determine in its reasonable discretion if a customer has met the Minimum Usage Requirement. If removed from the program for failing to meet the Minimum Usage Requirement, you will not be allowed to re-enroll for the following 12-month period.
Participation Period
There is a 1-year minimum participation period requirement, starting on the activation date of your cycling device unless the program is suspended, modified, or terminated by the CPUC. If during the 1-year period, you, or someone in your household, develop a medical condition that disqualifies you from participating in the program, as substantiated by a medical provider, you may also request to be removed from the Summer Discount Plan. Your enrollment will be continuous unless, after the conclusion of the 1-year minimum participation period, you notify us that you wish to terminate.
Bill Credits
Bill credits will be calculated based on these factors:
- Your current rate schedules
- The size of your central air conditioner(s) being cycled - the greater the calculated tonnage, the larger the credit
- The option you select, “standard” or “override”
- The option you select, Maximum Savings (100%) or Maximum Comfort (50%)
- The amount of electricity you use
Maximum credits based on enrollment in the program from June 1 to October 1. Enrollment after June 1 will result in prorated credits beginning from the first meter read date after your application is processed and your device is installed and activated.
Summer Discount Plan credit amounts and program options are subject to change pursuant to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
Duration of Shut-Off Cycling
Under the Maximum Savings option, your A/C may be shut off for up to 6 hours per day. Under the Maximum Comfort option, your A/C may be shut off for 15 minutes of every half hour, for up to 6 hours per day. In the event of a system emergency, we may, at our discretion, extend the cycling period beyond the 6-hour duration limit. However, no new energy event will be initiated after the 6-hour limit has been met.
Total Shut-Off Hours Per Year
The maximum length of time that your A/C may be cycled off is 180 hours per year.
Complete Tariff Information
This information is meant as an aid to understanding SCE’s Summer Discount Plan. It does not replace the CPUC-approved tariffs. Any inconsistencies between this material and SCE’s tariffs are unintended, and the tariffs prevail. Please refer to SCE’s Tariff Books for a complete list of terms and conditions of service. The credit amount and program options are subject to change by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Southern California Edison under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. © 2020 Southern California Edison. All rights reserved.
Summer Discount Plan Disclaimer
PLEASE NOTE: No authorized SCE representative will ever ask you to pay for advice on how to save money or energy through our programs.
*The estimated bill credit amounts represent the savings a resident could enjoy with a typical 4.5-ton air conditioning unit. The credit could increase with larger units, decrease for smaller ones, and vary based on individual participation levels and equipment type. Credits are based on enrollment in the program from June 1 to October 1. Enrollment after June 1 will result in prorated savings beginning from the first meter-read date after your application is processed and your device is installed, verified, and activated. SCE may need to test the device. The credit amounts and program options are subject to change by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
A customer must have an Edison SmartConnect® meter capable of registering hourly interval usage data for enrollment in the SDP program. Customers removed from the program for failing to meet the minimum electric usage requirement will not be allowed to re-enroll for the following 12-month period. Customers receiving a medical baseline allocation for air-conditioning under Schedule MB-E are not eligible to participate in the Summer Discount Plan program.
If participating in the Smart Energy Program, you are not eligible to enroll in the Summer Discount Plan. Net Energy Metering (NEM) credits received under Schedule NEM may offset in whole or in part the program credits associated with the Summer Discount Plan. This information is meant as an aid to understanding SCE’s Summer Discount Plan program. It does not replace SCE’s CPUC-approved tariffs. Any inconsistencies between this material and SCE’s tariffs are unintended, and the tariffs prevail. Please refer to SCE’s tariff books at for a complete list of terms and conditions of service.
The credit calculation formula is Single Phase (Amps x Volts)/ 1,400 + .09 = Tons. Amps and Volts values are based on the AC unit’s faceplate or, when not available, readings from an amperage probe clamp.