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Regulatory Information - Energy Efficiency Filings
2002 Energy Efficiency Statewide And Local Program Proposals
Energy Efficiency Program Report for 4th Quarter 2002 - Final
SCE's 2002 Energy Efficiency Program Fourth Quarter Report, dated May 2003, provides final program year-end results associated with SCE's 2002 statewide and local energy efficiency programs. The report provides brief program descriptions along with energy and demand savings realized during the abbreviated 2002 program cycle (April 2002 December 2002). The supporting budgets and expenditures are provided in an electronic spreadsheet (zip file.)
Energy Efficiency Program Report for 4th Quarter 2002
The fourth quarter report, dated February 2003, provides preliminary fourth quarter results associated with SCE's 2002 statewide and local energy efficiency programs. The report provides brief program descriptions and preliminary year-end results to each of the program offerings. The accompanying Excel formatted budget documents for the 4th Quarter are contained in this zip file.
Overall, preliminary results indicate SCE's 2002 energy efficiency programs produced an estimated 362 million kWh of annualized energy savings and 76 MW of demand reduction. SCE will provide final 2002 program results in its upcoming 2003 Annual Energy Efficiency Report, due May 1, 2003.
Energy Efficiency Program Report for 3rd Quarter 2002
The third quarter report, dated November 2002, provides third quarter results associated with SCE's 2002 statewide and local energy efficiency programs. The report provides brief program descriptions and third quarter results to each of the program offerings. The accompanying Excel formatted budget documents for the 3rd Quarter are contained in this zip file.
2003 Energy Efficiency Statewide and Local Programs
SCE's 2003 Energy Efficiency Statewide and Local Program plans are now available online. The program plans describe a variety of energy efficiency rebates, audits and other services that are available to SCE customers. These program offerings include such things as residential appliance recycling, single and multifamily rebates, small/medium business rebates, large business incentives and new construction design services to name just a few. The accompanying documents representing budget and program activities are contained in this zip file.
Low Income Energy Efficiency Annual Report
2002 Low Income Energy Efficiency Annual Report: Year 2001 Results. This report, dated May 1, 2002, provides year 2001 results of SCE's low-income energy efficiency programs. The report provides program descriptions along with program specific results.
Energy Efficiency Program Implementation Plans
SCE's 2002 Energy Efficiency Local program implementation plans are now available online. The local plans describe programs that are focused on specific SCE customer groups that may not typically participate in other energy efficiency programs. These local programs include in-home audits, agricultural pump tests and rebates for very small commercial businesses.
- SCE 2002 Local PIPs
- L-1 In Home (Excel)
- L-2 HTR (Excel)
- L-3 Pump Test (Excel)
- L-4 ET (Excel)
- L-5 GI (Excel)
- L-6 Codes Standards (Excel)
SCE's 2002 Energy Efficiency Statewide Program Implementation Plans
SCE's 2002 Energy Efficiency Statewide program implementation plans are now available online. The statewide program plans describe a variety of energy efficiency rebates, audits and other services that are available to SCE customers. These program offerings include such things as residential appliance recycling, single and multifamily rebates, small/medium business rebates, large business incentives and new construction design services to name just a few.
For a copy of these plans in Microsoft Word or Excel format, please contact the Case Administrator via E-mail at: or by phone at: (626) 302-1711.
Energy Efficiency Program Reports
SCE Energy Efficiency Program Report: 2nd Quarter 2002
The second quarter report, dated August 1, 2002, provides second quarter results associated with SCE's 2002 statewide energy efficiency programs. The report provides brief program descriptions and second quarter results to each of the program offerings. The accompanying Excel formatted budget documents for the 2nd Quarter are contained in this "Zip"file.
SCE Energy Efficiency Program Report: 1st Quarter 2002
The first quarter report, dated June 1, 2002 provides first quarter results associated with SCE's 2002 energy efficiency programs. The first quarter of 2002 was an extension of existing 2001 programs. The report provides brief program descriptions and first quarter results to each of the program offerings available to both residential and nonresidential customers during the first quarter of 2002