Regulatory Information - FERC Open Access Information

FERC Open Access Information


On this page you will find information on SCE's tariffs for wholesale customers under the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): the Transmission Owner Tariff and the Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff.

  • The Transmission Owner Tariff provides, in conjunction with the California Independent System Operator ("CAISO") tariff, certain terms and conditions for service utilizing SCE's transmission facilities that have been turned over to the operational control of the CAISO.
  • The Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff provides the terms and conditions for service utilizing SCE's distribution facilities that are under its operational control.

In this section, SCE posts its currently effective rates for transmission service and formula transmission rate information.

Attention: For information on the requirements and processes for interconnecting projects to SCE’s electric system, please visit SCE's grid interconnection webpage at:

Transmission Owner Tariff (TOT) Combined - effective June 12, 2024

Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT) Combined* - effective March 26, 2024

TO Tariff Activities

Environmental Services Work

Contact Us

Should you have any questions regarding SCE's Open Access Information, please contact David Schiada in SCE's Regulatory Operations:

If you have questions regarding SCE's generation interconnection processes, please use the contact information below:
Phone: (626) 302-3688

Mailing Address:

Grid Interconnection & Contract Development
Southern California Edison
2244 Walnut Grove Ave
PO Box 945
Rosemead, CA 91770