Personal Information Request

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018 gave California residents more control over their personal information. The broad applicability of the law expanded the definition of personal information to include biometric data, internet browser history, and geolocation data. In November 2020, California voters passed ballot Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). This act not only amends existing CCPA language but also affords California residents knowledge of data collected from them by a company’s service provider (Vendor), of data classified as sensitive personal information (e.g., social security number, driver’s license number), as well as their employment data requests.  

Your Rights

Californians have the right: 

  • To know what personal information and sensitive personal information is being collected about them, both by category and by specific information
  • To access their information
  • To know whether their personal information is being sold or otherwise disclosed, and to whom
  • To have their personal information deleted in certain circumstances
  • To non-discrimination
  • To correct their information
  • To limit the use and disclosure of their sensitive personal information 

SCE is prohibited from selling your personal information. 

To request a personal information report, or to delete the data SCE may have collected about you, please fill out an online form by selecting the “Submit a Request” button below, or call 1-800-655-4555 for Customer Service (for customers, former customers, non-customers, or minors of customers), or call 1-800-500-4723 (option 3) for Human Resources (for employee, former employee, retiree, supplemental worker, contractor, dependent, and minor of employee). Once a request is received, SCE will review the information and validate your identity against our records. If your identity is validated and you have requested a report, you will receive it within 45 calendar days of submittal or be notified if an additional 45 calendar days are needed to fulfill your request. If your identity is validated and you have requested that data be deleted (subject to certain exceptions), you will receive a response within 45 calendar days. A record of your deletion request will be retained for two years. 

Retention Policy of Personal Information

We retain both your personal information and sensitive personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the transactions you have requested or for legitimate business purposes, such as complying with our legal obligations, including United States federal, state, and local laws. Retention periods vary for different types of personal information and sensitive personal information, according to the business purpose. For example, personal information and sensitive personal information provided for an application for community funding and donation programs carries a different retention period than does the information provided to us when establishing an electric utility service. 

If you believe SCE incorrectly denied a request for your personal information report or request to delete data, you may appeal by contacting us at: 

  • 1-800-655-4555, or,  for the customer, former customer, non-customer, or minor requests of a customer, or
  • 1-800-500-4723 (option 3), or,  for employee, former employee, retiree, supplemental worker, contractor, or minor of an employee request.

Frequently Asked Questions

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) laid the foundation for data privacy law in California and became effective January 1, 2020. The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) which was approved by voters in 2020, amended the CCPA with additional consumer privacy rights.  

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No, you do not need to create an SCE My Account to request your personal information report.  

However, for the request to be accepted, you must submit the request through the established request process, which consists of either submitting an online request or calling us at the appropriate phone number.  

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You may submit two requests per category within a 12-month period. 

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The report will contain personal information collected on or after January 1, 2022. 

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Typically, once we verify your identity, you will receive your report within 45 calendar days of submittal through the established request process. If more time is needed to fulfill your request, you will be informed of the reason for the longer timeframe and receive your report within 90 calendar days from the date of submittal.

Expose as Block

Your personal information report may be provided electronically or via postal mail. 

For Customers: When requested, interval usage data will be provided in 15 or 60-minute intervals based on meter type. You may also download information by creating and/or logging into your SCE My Account. Once logged in, navigate to the left side of the page, select Data Sharing & Download, then Green Button Download My Data. 

Expose as Block

No, usually, there is no fee charged for the request of personal information report. However, the law does allow for a fee to be charged in certain circumstances when a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, for example, if it results in additional administrative costs.

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California residents have the right to request deletion of their personal information. Once we receive the deletion request and verify your identity, we will delete (and direct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our records, unless an exemption applies as described in the California Consumer Privacy Act section 1798.105.

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SCE will respond with a confirmation email within 10 business days of the submittal.

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Yes, under certain circumstances, SCE shares personal information with external parties for business purposes. For more information, you may view our Privacy Notice and related disclosures, including our CCPA privacy policy, on our website at

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For Customers: To request information under CCPA as an Authorized Agent, complete the form at this link. If you have a Power of Attorney document and would like to place a request under CCPA, please send your Power of Attorney Document to SCE may deny a request from agents who do not verify their own identity or submit proof that they have been authorized by the data subject. Such requirements, however, will not apply where you have provided the authorized agent with power of attorney under Cal. Prob. Code Sections 4000 to 4465.

For Employees and Non-Customers: An Authorized Agent or Power of Attorney/Conservatorship may send the request to

SCE may deny a request from agents who do not verify their own identity or submit proof that they have been authorized by the data subject. 

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For Customers and Non-Customers: Please contact Customer Support at 1-800-655-4555. You may also update your information online by logging into your My Account and selecting “Update Your Profile.” 

For Employees: Please contact Human Resources at EIC at (800) 500-4723, Option 3.  

Expose as Block

When making a request, you will need to specify the relationship category for the request. You may submit two personal information report requests per category within a 12-month period. In other words, you can submit two requests as a customer and two requests as an employee within a 12-month period.

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