When your business is planning a large expansion or new construction, you may need electrical service upgrade or new electrical service installation. We can help!
Before moving forward, please answer the questions below to verify if this process is right for you.
- Is your projected electrical demand greater than 6 MW?
- Do you plan to connect at the 66 kilo Volt level or above?

If you answered “No” to either of the questions above, please contact:
• Customer Service: 1-800-655-4555
• Or visit us online at SCE Move Center

If you answered “Yes” to both of the questions above, then we can work with your engineers to develop what’s called a “Method-of-Service Study” . Please proceed to complete the Study Application Package.
Steps to Completing the Study Application Package
Complete a study application package and submit it to the address listed below. An account representative will contact you by telephone to discuss your current and planned future electrical load requirements. This information will be shared with our engineers.
Email to:
Or mail to:
Southern California Edison
Method of Service Group
3 Innovation Way
Pomona, CA 91768
A signed letter of agreement and a deposit are required before the project starts. You will be responsible for costs associated with the study and analysis. Account reconciliation is done at the project’s completion.
The planning and engineering process typically requires scoping meetings and job walks. Your company’s engineers and electrical contractor should plan to make time to participate. Based on this information, our engineers and specialists will develop the most efficient method of providing upgraded electrical service to your new or expanded facility.
When plans are completed, we will contact you to schedule a review meeting. At this meeting, you will learn about anticipated project costs and timelines. Service options presented will remain valid for 90 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
SCE provides service in accordance with Tariff Rule 2 as authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). In addition to the specific rule requirements, each service request is individually designed taking into consideration factors that include but are not limited to: the customer’s projected electrical load, location of the customer’s metering point, requested service voltage, reliability needs, proximity and delivery capacity of SCE’s near-by facilities, potential for load expansions and future development of the SCE system.
Please note: No level of redundancy service can guarantee 100% outage provision. Therefore, it is recommended a cost-benefit analysis be performed for options designed to improve system reliability.
To help streamline the process, please contact your SCE Account Representative or call our Local Planning Department at 1-800-655-4555.
New to SCE? Please fill out the SCE - Turn On Service and an Account Representative will contact you.
(typically near or greater than 6 MVA)
For large loads, there may be an economic advantage to taking service at a subtransmission voltage (> 50kV). The 6 MVA threshold represents an approximate limit to the amount of load that can be served from a single 12 kV or 16 kV distribution line. Depending upon site specific conditions, it may be more economic for SCE to install subtransmission facilities rather than a second distribution line.
There are a number of possible variables including, but not limited to:
- The applicant/customer projected peak demand and the load profile.
- The cost of the Added Facilities compared to the potential rate savings.
- SCE determination of Standard Facilities necessary to serve the projected load.
- Other site specific considerations.
Follow the steps below when contemplating subtransmission service or to determine if subtransmission service is right for your business.
- Download and complete the Method-Of-Service (MOS) study application.
- Request a meeting with your assigned Account Executive to discuss viability based on rough order of magnitude costs and rate options (based on typical unit costs).
- If the decision is made to pursue subtransmission service, a Method of Service (MOS) Study will be performed at the applicant/customer expense. The MOS Study will determine the conceptual scope of work, cost and schedule for the desired Standard Facilities and Added Facilities.
- A preliminary engineer fee (advance) will be collected to develop the estimated cost for the MOS Study.
- The applicant/customer will of the provided the estimated MOS Study cost and then be offered an MOS Study Agreement.
- Upon completion and delivery of the MOS Study, the applicant/customer will decide whether or not to pursue installation of the requested electric facilities.
An Added Facilities Agreement (AFA) will be offered to the applicant/customer outlining the costs, terms and conditions for installing the Added Facilities. There are several AFA options available that will be identified as part of the MOS Study.
- Subtransmission service requires a CEQA review under the California Public Utilities Commission’s General Order 131-D. Where applicant/customer is adding large loads that require environmental permitting, it is generally more expedient to include a description of SCE proposed facilities in the customer’s EIR/EIS.
- SCE provides Added Facilities in accordance with Often, as the applicant/customer load addition develops, the corresponding electrical service may also fluctuate. Therefore, scope of work, cost estimates and schedule are subject to change. Accordingly, the final recorded cost of the Added Facilities will be based on the actual installed cost. The below chart depicts the level of cost estimating accuracy throughout the project life cycle:
Business Energy Guzzler
Don't let energy in your business go to waste