Turn-Key Installation Program

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Turn-Key Installation Program

Multi-family property sites located in designated Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) are eligible to apply for hassle-free EV charging equipment installation. Under this program, SCE will leverage program funding to design, construct, install, operate, and maintain the EV charging equipment. Participants will still be responsible for paying the associated utility bill, but any fees charged for the use of the stations will help to reduce those costs.

Program Overview   

Multi-family housing properties located in designated Disadvantaged Communities may qualify to have SCE design, purchase, install, and operate EV charging equipment at their site using program funds. Participants will still be responsible for paying the associated utility bill, but any fees charged for the use of the stations will help to reduce those costs.

How It Works

How It Works

Our Turn-Key Installation program is available to multi-family housing properties located in a designated qualifying Disadvantaged Community and provides full-service EV charging station installation, operation, and maintenance. This first of its kind program offering from SCE makes installing EV charging equipment completely hassle-free.

Eligibility Information

Eligibility Information

We’re here to help you save big with the Turn-Key Installation program. Qualifying non-governmental sites must also be located within SCE’s service territory and a customer of SCE.

Participant must enroll in a Time-Of-Use (TOU) rate plan, a qualifying Demand Response Program, and must also share pricing and usage data with SCE.

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Apply Today

The Turn-Key Installation Program is now fully subscribed. Multi-family housing properties located in a designated qualifying disadvantaged communities can apply for the Charging Infrastructure and Rebate Program and will be eligible for an additional Maintenance & Networking Rebate to help cover the cost of purchasing and managing the EV charging equipment.

Not the right program for your property, but you’re still interested in other EV charging station installation programs?

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Tools & Resources

We are here to empower you with the information you need as a green energy leader. Explore these resources to become a Charge Ready expert who is part of a more sustainable future.

Charge Ready Fact Sheet

Get a quick overview of all three new programs for businesses: Charging Infrastructure & Rebate, New Construction Rebate, and Turn-Key Installation.

Program Guideline

This guide has information on the Turn-Key Installation programs. The Turn-Key Installation Program provides program funded and hassle-free installation and operation of EV charging equipment. Participants would still be responsible for paying the associated utility bill, but any fees charged to drivers for the use of the stations will help to reduce those costs.

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Want more information?

We’re excited to work with decision makers like you who are interested in the Charge Ready program offerings and supporting this landmark EV movement. Tell us about your property’s needs to learn more about SCE’s suite of EV charging station program offerings that may work for you.

Frequently Asked Questions: Turn-Key Installation

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If you think Charge Ready may benefit your business or organization, start your online application today.

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