Extreme Weather Restoration Update
Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the extreme weather event. As of Tues. 1/14, 5 p.m., 70,250 customers are without power. PSPS numbers will continually change as field reports and system updates are completed. For the latest outage updates, including your outage status, please visit our Outage Look Up Tool.
For more information on power restoration, please visit Extreme Weather Restoration Updates.

Interconnecting Generation under SCE’s WDAT

SCE’s Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT) describes the terms under which SCE provides open access to its distribution system to wholesale customers seeking to:

  • Interconnect generation facilities to SCE’s distribution system and deliver energy and capacity services to the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) controlled grid (using SCE’s distribution system), or
  • Deliver energy or capacity services from the CAISO controlled grid (using SCE’s distribution system) to their customers.

The WDAT is not applicable for customers seeking service under SCE’s retail rates, or for delivering energy or capacity services that do not originate or terminate at the CAISO controlled grid, or for any other purpose not authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Each of California’s large investor owned utilities (IOUs) has its own WDAT. The information on this page serves as a reference for SCE’s WDAT. Specifically, this material is for developers of projects seeking to interconnect their generating facilities to SCE’s distribution system for the purpose of participating in wholesale energy transactions. In case of discrepancies between the content of this page and SCE’s WDAT, the currently approved WDAT will prevail. Note that the WDAT currently posted at SCE.com may not reflect updates to the tariff that may be pending before the FERC.

Generator Interconnection Procedures. Currently, new requests for interconnection of generating units to SCE’s distribution system from wholesale energy producers are processed under the WDAT’s Attachment I - Generator Interconnection Procedures (known as the “GIP” or “G.I.P.”). Links to the WDAT, the GIP and all appendices are provided below.

     Summary of Changes to the Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff

                                   Tariff changes effective October 30, 20191

  • For energy storage projects, the Interconnection Customer must choose the type 
    of Charging Distribution Service: Firm Charging Distribution Service (FCDS), As Available Charging Distribution Service (ACDS), a combination of As-Available and Firm, or None
  • Attachment K to the WDAT lists the rates, charges, and exemptions for Charging Distribution Service
  • Attachment K also includes Constraint Management System (“CMS”) requirements for energy storage projects
  • The WDAT Fast Track Process is now available to energy storage project requesting ACDS
  • Revised Interconnection Request (“IR”) form (Appendix 1 to GIP)
    • IR form now includes distribution service information (Section 10); thus, neither a separate Distribution Service request nor a deposit is required
    • IR form now includes a new Section 11 in Attachment A “Storage System Information”. Thus, the “additional technical data form,” or BESS Form, is no longer required
    • IR form now includes new/modified boxes in Section 2 regarding increasing or modifying Charging Capacity
  • Additional Study Deposit is required for storage projects requesting FCDS ($20,000)
  • Cluster study timelines will add forty-five (45) calendar days for storage projects requesting FCDS
  • Added and modified definitions
  • SCE recommends visiting the Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT) expandable section found on our Regulatory – FERC Open Access Information page for additional changes

1SCE submitted storage-related tariff changes in FERC Docket No. ER19‐2505-000; FERC accepted SCE’s filing subject to refund, effective October 30, 2019, and set the proceeding for settlement. Following the conclusion of settlement procedures and final order from FERC, additional changes to the WDAT may be required, which could impact your proposed project.

Information Available Prior to Requesting for Interconnection under SCE’s WDAT.

SCE is currently accepting new Interconnection Requests under WDAT Attachment I – Generator Interconnection Procedures (GIP). See the Initiating a Request for Interconnection Under the GIP expandable section located further down on this page for a link to the Appendix 1 – Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility (Appendix 1 to Attachment I) fillable form.

New generation projects considering interconnection to SCE’s distribution system under the WDAT can find useful information regarding the interconnection process and the technical requirements applicable to your project at the following links:

  • SCE’s WDAT. This is the most important reference. It describes the interconnection, operating and metering requirements for wholesale load customers and generation facilities to be connected to SCE’s distribution system. For more information on the Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT), visit our Regulatory – FERC Open Access Information page, then click the “SCE Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff” expandable section.
  • SCE’s Interconnection Handbook provides information regarding technical requirements for installing and operating your generation system in a safe and reliable manner.
  • SCE’s Electrical Service Requirements (ESR) manual provides guidance and instructions pertaining to electrical service connections. Its purpose is to assist electrical contractors, engineers, architects, and manufacturers engaged in the installation of electrical service wiring and equipment.
  • To find out if the circuit you have chosen to interconnect your project is on SCE’s transmission or distribution system, please send a question with the identified pole number and the voltage (kV) of the line selected to interconnectionQA@sce.com.
  • FAQs for SCE’s WDAT.
  • A Pre-Application Report provides technical information about the current conditions of a specific circuit a customer may be interested in interconnecting a project. Please review the section below WDAT Pre-Application Report Request for more information on how to obtain this report.
  • Non-Export ProjectsNon-export projects are not eligible to seek interconnection under SCE’s WDAT. Customers that operate generation systems for their use only and do not export power for sales to SCE’s electric grid are referred to as “non-export” (or “non-exporting”) generators. Non-export projects include all generating facilities to be operated by, or for, a customer to serve part or all its electric energy requirements that would otherwise be provided by SCE, including “distributed generation”, “cogeneration”, emergency, backup, and standby generation. Please visit our Rule 21 page for information useful for non-exporting projects.
  • Self-Generation Projects. Customers that produce power for their own use from generation systems that operate in parallel to SCE’s electric system are not eligible to request interconnection service under SCE’s WDAT but they can do so under SCE’s Rule 21. Please visit our Programs for Self-Generation page for more information about the various programs available for self-generating your power. Also visit our Rule 21 page for information about SCE’s Rule 21.
  • Net Energy Metering (NEM)NEM projects are not eligible to seek interconnection under SCE’s WDAT. Projects seeking to participate in the NEM program should visit the NEM page for information regarding the application for interconnection and the NEM process.
  • For information about SCE’s procurement programs that may require interconnection service under SCE’s WDAT, please refer to SCE’s Energy Procurement site.

Additional Information

Please consult with your local planning or permitting authority to verify any local permitting requirements. SCE does not provide permitting services.

Expose as Block

At any time, you can request technical information regarding SCE’s electric system around a potential interconnection site. To request this information, you need to provide details of the proposed site, the line and voltage level you are considering, and a non-refundable processing fee of $300.

The WDAT Optional Pre-Application Report Request, containing fee payment instructions, is available at the following link:

WDAT Optional Pre-Application Report Request

Upon receipt of a completed Pre-Application Report Request and the request fee, SCE will provide available system data. This typically includes:

  • Total Capacity (in MWs) of substation bus
  • Approximate circuit distance between the proposed site and the substation
  • Relevant line section(s) peak line load estimate
  • Number of protective devices and voltage regulating devices between the proposed site and the substation/area
  • Whether or not three-phase power is available at the site
  • Limiting conductor rating from proposed Point of Interconnection to distribution substation

For questions regarding the Pre-Application Report, please contact us at InterconnectionQA@sce.com.

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Eligibility for Interconnection Under WDAT

If the project developer is intending to sell any portion of the energy or any capacity services from the project to a 3rd party (any entity other than SCE, including other utilities), or in the market, then the interconnection service must be obtained under a FERC jurisdictional tariff (such as SCE’s WDAT, or the CAISO): SCE’s WDAT is applicable for projects interconnecting to SCE’s distribution system, while CAISO’s tariff is applicable for projects interconnecting to SCE’s transmission system (which is currently under CAISO’s control). Attachment I to the WDAT (Resource Interconnection Procedures, or RIP) describes the process to obtain interconnection service to SCE’s distribution system for new requests.

Exporting projects intending to participate in an eligible energy program approved and under the jurisdiction of the CPUC (e.g., Schedule NEM, Schedule RES-BCT, or certain procurement programs where 100% of the exported power is sold to SCE) may request interconnection service under Rule 21. Please visit our Rule 21 page for information about SCE’s Rule 21. For participating in a specific procurement program, please consult with SCE’s Energy Procurement team ( Energy Procurement site ) for deciding whether interconnection should be requested under SCE’s WDAT or Rule 21.

Application for Interconnection

  • From “New generation projects seeking interconnection service under SCE’s WDAT are required to submit an application form in accordance with SCE’s RIP (Resource Interconnection Procedures).
  • To “New generation projects seeking interconnection service under SCE’s WDAT are required to submit an application form in accordance with SCE’s RIP.
  • Application form: Appendix 1 - Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility.
  • A single-line drawing
  • Site/plot plan drawing
  • Proof of Site Exclusivity
  • Diagrams, manufacturer’s data, and written descriptions of the generating facilities

Distribution Service

Generation projects connecting to SCE’s distribution system through the WDAT are required to obtain “Distribution Service” with SCE. “Distribution Service” allows the customer to be able to use SCE’s distribution system to “transport” their energy from the point of interconnection with SCE’s electric system to the CAISO system (where most power sales are expected to be delivered and settled in accordance with the CAISO market rules). See Section 10 of the above “Application form: Appendix 1 – Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility.

Interconnection Request Fees. The application fee (or deposit) required depends on the review/study track the customer chooses when submitting the application. Please refer to the Review/Study Tracks under the GIP section below to learn about the various review/study tracks available under SCE’s WDAT. The sections below (Fast Track Process under SCE’S WDATIndependent Study Process under SCE’s WDAT, and Cluster Study Processes under SCE’s WDAT) contain information about the applicable application fee/deposit for each of these tracks. Instructions on how to make this payment are included in the application form available at the link above.

For guidelines on providing documentation of Site Exclusivity, please review this Site Exclusivity Guidelines.

For a sample on acceptable single lines and site plans, please review this: Sample drawings.

For generation projects requesting interconnection pursuant to the WDAT, the interconnection application (Appendix 1 – Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility) includes the required request for Distribution Service and a separate request is not needed.  However, for generation projects that are not seeking a new interconnection or are not required to submit a new interconnection request in the form of Appendix 1, but are requesting new Distribution Service or a change to existing Distribution Service, submittal of a Distribution Service Request Form is required and a deposit may be required.

Once completed, please email electronic copies of your application package (items 1 through 5, above) to Grid.Interconnections@sce.com, or alternatively, mail your documents to:

Grid Interconnection & Contract Development
Southern California Edison
2244 Walnut Grove Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770

What Happens After Submitting Your Application for Interconnection

Following the submittal of the application package and the receipt of the applicable fee/deposit, SCE’s assigned project manager will coordinate the review of the information provided with the application; an assigned engineer will perform a validation of the technical data as well. Once the application package is deemed complete and valid, the review/study track that is applicable to your project will begin (see Review/Study Tracks under the GIP section below).

Additional Information

Please review the Information Available Prior to Requesting for Interconnection under SCE’s WDAT section above for more information that can be helpful when submitting a request for interconnection.

Expose as Block

Prior to obtaining interconnection, SCE performs technical reviews or engineering studies to identify how the project can be interconnected to SCE’s electric system in a safe and reliable manner while complying with all applicable standards and regulations. Under the GIP, the technical review or engineering studies for the project requesting interconnection service can be done under either the Fast Track Process, the  Independent Study Process or the Cluster Study Process. For information about these three tracks, please read the sections below: the Fast Track Process Under The GIP, the Independent Study Process Under The GIP, or the Cluster Study Process Under The GIP, respectively.

When completing the application form, the customer must select, based on eligibility, the preferred track for reviewing the project.

Expose as Block

The Fast Track Process is intended for projects that can be interconnected without system upgrades: it allows for a faster review of an interconnection request against a set of predefined screens to determine whether the project can interconnect without the need for detailed engineering studies or upgrades to SCE’s electric system. The Fast Track Process is described thoroughly in Section 6 of the GIP.

A request for interconnection under the Fast Track Process can be made, subject to eligibility, at any time during the year.

The Fast Track review consists of an initial review and, if needed, a supplemental review. The initial review involves the evaluation of 10 technical screens (described in Section 6.5 of the GIP).

The need for a supplemental review will be determined based on the results of the initial review screens. Projects that successfully pass initial review screens will be allowed to interconnect without a supplemental review.

If needed, SCE can perform a supplemental review. The supplemental review consists of the application of three (3) additional technical screens (described in Sections 6.11.1, 6.11.2 and 6.11.3 of the GIP).

Projects that pass the supplemental review will be allowed to interconnect without further engineering studies. Failure to pass Fast Track evaluation (after the initial review and the supplemental review have been performed) means that the project needs further review (or study) before it can interconnect to SCE’s electric system. It does not mean that the project cannot be interconnected.

Fast Track Eligibility. Projects need to be “eligible” for the Fast Track process before the initial review and the supplemental review are performed. Eligibility to request a Fast Track review means that the project can be evaluated under the initial review and the supplemental review screens, but eligibility does not guarantee that the project passes Fast Track.

Fast Track eligibility is determined based on the generator type, generator size, voltage of the line, and location of the Point of Interconnection.

  • All Generating Facilities connecting to lines greater than 69 kilovolt (kV) are not eligible for the Fast Track Process regardless of size.
  • All synchronous and induction machines must be no larger than 2 MW to be eligible for the Fast Track Process, regardless of location.
  • For certified inverter-based systems, the size limit varies according to the voltage of the line at the proposed Point of Interconnection.

For purposes of this table, a mainline is the three-phase backbone of a circuit. It will typically constitute lines with wire sizes of 4/0 American wire gauge, 336.4 kcmil, 397.5 kcmil, 477 kcmil and 795 kcmil.

In addition to the size threshold, the proposed generating facility must meet the codes, standards, and certification requirements of GIP Appendix 8 - Certification Codes and Standards and Appendix 9 - Certification of Small Generator Equipment Packages (see links above).

Fast Track Application Fee. The application review for a project seeking interconnection under the GIP Fast Track requires a non-refundable fee of $1,500. This fee covers the cost for the review of the application and the initial review. Instructions on how to make this payment are included in the application form available at the link above.

Typical Timelines for Fast Track Initial Review. Normally, the initial review is completed within fifteen (15) business days after the application package is deemed complete and valid.

Activities following the initial review analysis:

  • If the project passes the initial review screens, and there are no identified upgrades required for interconnection, SCE will deliver a draft interconnection agreement within fifteen (15) business days following the initial review results.
  • If the project passes the initial review screens, but there are identified upgrades required for interconnection, SCE will deliver a cost estimate of such upgrades within fifteen (15) business days following the initial review results.
  • If the project does not pass the initial review screens, SCE may hold a meeting with the customer to determine the next steps and discuss the recommended options for the project; the options may include conducting a supplemental review, or moving the project to the Independent Study Process, or submitting a new application under the Cluster Study Process.

If SCE and the customer agree to perform a supplemental review, the review is normally completed within twenty (20) business days after receipt of the supplemental review deposit.

Supplemental Review Deposit. If SCE and the customer agree to perform a supplemental review, the GIP requires a deposit of the estimated costs of performing the review prior to the commencement of the review. For most projects, SCE’s current estimate for performing the supplemental review is $2,500. Instructions on how to make this payment will be provided at the time SCE and the customer agree to move forward with the supplemental review.

Typical Timelines for Fast Track Supplemental Review. Normally, the supplemental review is completed within thirty (30) business days after receipt of the supplemental review deposit.

Activities following the supplemental review analysis:

  • If the project passes the supplemental review screens, and there are no identified upgrades required for interconnection, SCE will deliver a draft interconnection agreement within fifteen (15) business days of providing the supplemental review results.
  • If the project passes the supplemental review screens, but there are identified upgrades required for interconnection, SCE will deliver a cost estimate of such upgrades within fifteen (15) business days following the supplemental review results.
  • If the project does not pass the supplemental review screens, SCE may hold a meeting with the customer to determine the next steps and recommended options for the project; the options may include moving the project to the Independent Study Process or submitting a new application under the Cluster Study Process. Please review the Independent Study Process under the GIP, or the Cluster Study Processes under the GIP sections below for more information.

Interconnection Agreement. Following the receipt of a cost estimate for new facilities identified during the initial review or the supplemental review, the customer can request a Generator Interconnection Agreement. SCE will deliver a draft interconnection agreement within fifteen (15) business days of the customer’s request. The draft GIA will be in the form of the FERC-approved form GIA, which is in Appendix 7 to the GIP (see link above). At that point, SCE and the customer will begin negotiations to complete the GIA under the timelines provided in Section 6.13 of the GIP.

Notes About Deliverability for Fast Track. All projects reviewed under the Fast Track Process are considered Energy-Only (also referred to as Energy-Only Deliverability Status, or EO). Energy-Only projects do not qualify to provide Resource Adequacy benefits to Load Serving Entities (“Resource Adequacy” and “Load Serving Entities” are terms defined by the California Public Utilities Commission).

Expose as Block

Projects that are not eligible for Fast Track evaluation, or that failed the Fast Track Process, can apply for the Independent Study Process. The Independent Study Process is intended for projects that can be evaluated separately from other projects currently seeking interconnection to SCE’s electric system. The Independent Study Process (ISP) is described thoroughly in Section 5 of the GIP.

A request for interconnection under the Independent Study Process can be made at any time during the year.

The Independent Study Process consists of an Interconnection System Impact Study and an Interconnection Facilities Study.

Independent Study Process Eligibility. Any project (any location, any size) can request interconnection under the ISP; however, within twenty (20) business days following the confirmation from SCE that the application is complete and valid, an Electrical Independence Test will be performed to determine whether or not the proposed project is independent from projects in the transmission system (this part is performed by CAISO) and the distribution system (this part is performed by SCE). The project must pass the Electrical Independence Test to be able to continue interconnection under the ISP. More details about the Electrical Independence Test can be found in Section 5.5 of the GIP.

Interconnection Study Deposit. Interconnection of a generating facility under the ISP requires an Interconnection Study Deposit equal to $50,000 plus $1,000 per MW of electrical output (rounded up to the nearest whole MW) of the generating facility, up to a maximum of $250,000. If the request is for an increase of capacity of an existing unit, the deposit is calculated based on the MWs of the proposed increased capacity.

Scoping Meeting. Following the results of the Electrical Independence Test, SCE will hold a Scoping Meeting with the customer to review the details of the proposed project and to discuss any potential issues with the proposed Point of Interconnection or the timelines to achieve commercial operations. After the Scoping Meeting, SCE will present to the customer the Independent Study Process Study Agreement (see link for Appendix 4 of GIP above) for execution. The study agreement should be signed and returned to SCE within thirty (30) calendar days of the Scoping Meeting.

Interconnection System Impact Study. The Interconnection System Impact Study will consist of a localized short circuit analysis, a stability analysis, a power flow analysis, and any other studies that are deemed necessary. Normally, SCE will complete the Interconnection System Impact Study within ninety (90) calendar days after the execution of an Independent Study Process Study Agreement. If requested, a Results Meeting will be held by SCE to discuss the Interconnection System Impact Study report. The Results Meeting is expected to be held within twenty (20) business days of the date the final Interconnection System Impact Study report is provided. More details about the Interconnection System Impact Study can be found in Section 5.8.1 of the GIP.

  • Initial Posting of Interconnection Financial Security. The customer will make its initial posting of Interconnection Financial Security (as required in GIP Section 5.9.2), within sixty (60) calendar days of the final Interconnection System Impact Study report.

Interconnection Facilities Study. The Interconnection Facilities Study will specify and estimate the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement, and construction work needed to implement the conclusions of the Interconnection System Impact Study to physically and electrically connect the generating facility to SCE’s distribution system. Normally, SCE will complete the Interconnection Facilities Study within ninety (90) calendar days after the initial posting of Interconnection Financial Security. If requested, a Results Meeting will be held by SCE to discuss the Interconnection Facilities Study report. The Results Meeting is expected to be held within twenty (20) business days of the date the final Interconnection Facilities Study report is provided. More details about the Interconnection Facilities Study can be found in Section 5.8.2 of the GIP.

  • Second and Third Postings of Interconnection Financial Security. The customer will make its second and third postings of Interconnection Financial Security (as required GIP Sections 5.9.3 and 5.9.4, respectively).

Interconnection Agreement. Normally, within thirty (30) calendar days following the Results Meeting for the final Interconnection Facilities Study report, SCE will provide the customer a draft GIA, together with draft appendices. The draft GIA will be in the form of the FERC-approved form GIA, which is in Appendix 6 to the GIP (see link above). The customer must provide written comments, or notification of no comments, to the draft appendices within thirty (30) calendar days. At that point, SCE and the customer will begin negotiations to complete the GIA under the timelines provided in Section 5.10.2 of the GIP.

Notes About Deliverability for ISP. Unless specified otherwise in the application for interconnection, the generating facilities studied under the ISP are considered Energy-Only (also referred to as Energy Only Deliverability StatusEODS, or EO). If the customer requests Full Capacity Deliverability Status(FCDS) or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status (PCDS) under the ISP, the project will initially be studied as Energy-Only; a Deliverability Assessment for the project will then be performed in conjunction with the next available Cluster Study Process. Energy-Only projects do not qualify to provide Resource Adequacy benefits to Load Serving Entities (“Resource Adequacy” and “Load Serving Entities” are terms defined by the California Public Utilities Commission).

Expose as Block

Projects that are not eligible for Fast Track evaluation or the Independent Study Process, or that failed the Fast Track Process, can apply for the Cluster Study Process. The Cluster Study Process is described thoroughly in Section 4 of the RIP. In the Cluster Study Process, projects are grouped by geographical and system areas to be studied together (as a cluster): upgrades are identified for the clustered group and the cost of the upgrades are then allocated to projects in that clustered group (in accordance with the guidelines of the RIP). The Cluster Study Process consists of a Phase I Interconnection Study and a Phase II Interconnection Study.

A request for interconnection under the Cluster Study Process can only be submitted during a Cluster Application Window. For each calendar year, a Cluster Application Window typically opens (first business day of the month) and closes (last business day of the month) during the month of April of a given year. 

For more information, view SCE’s Rule 21 page.

    *Dates are anticipated based on previous Cluster Application Window events. SCE may modify the dates based on ISO’s lead 

Cluster Study Process Eligibility. Any project (any location, any size) can request interconnection under the Cluster Study Process.

Interconnection Study Deposit. - Refer to RIP A non-refundable application fee of $5,000, and a refundable study deposit:

  • $35,000 plus $1,000 per MW for Interconnection Requests < 80 MW, or;
  • $150,000 for Interconnection Requests ≥ 80 MW < 200 MW; or
  • $250,000 for Interconnection Requests ≥ 200 MW.
  • An additional $20,000 for Interconnection Requests that include a request for Firm Charging Distribution Service

The Distribution Provider will apply the study deposit toward the cost of the Cluster Study Process.

Site Exclusivity Deposit – Refer to RIP Section 4.3.1(iii) A deposit in lieu of Site Control of $10,000 per MW, subject to a minimum of $500,000 and a maximum of $2,000,000. Interconnection Requests from multiple Interconnection Customers for multiple Generating Facilities that share a site must include a contract or other agreement that allows for shared land use.

Scoping Meeting. Following the notification that the application has been reviewed and is deemed valid and complete, SCE will hold a Scoping Meeting with the customer to review the details of the proposed project and to discuss any potential issues with the proposed Point of Interconnection or the timelines to achieve commercial operations. After the Scoping Meeting, SCE will present to the customer the Generator Interconnection Study Process Agreement (see link for Appendix 3 of GIP above) for execution. The study agreement should be signed and returned to SCE within thirty (30) calendar days from the Scoping Meeting.

Phase I Interconnection Study. The Phase I Interconnection Study will consist of short circuit analysis, a stability analysis to the extent SCE and the CAISO reasonably expect transient or voltage stability concerns, and any other studies that are deemed necessary. Section 4.5.3 of the GIP contains a complete description of the scope and purpose of the Phase I Interconnection Study. Normally, SCE will commence the Phase I Interconnection Study around July 1st following the closing of the Cluster Application Window and will complete the Phase I Interconnection Study within one hundred and seventy (170) calendar days.

Within thirty (30) calendar days following the Phase I Interconnection Study report, SCE, the CAISO (if needed), and the customer will have a Results Meeting to discuss the contents of the report. More details about the scope and timelines of the Phase I Results Meeting can be found in Section 4.5.7 of the GIP.

Initial Posting of Interconnection Financial Security. The customer will make its initial posting of Interconnection Financial Security (as required in Section 4.8.2 of the GIP), within ninety (90) calendar days of the final Phase I Interconnection Study report.

Phase II Interconnection Study. SCE, in coordination with the CAISO, will conduct a Phase II Interconnection Study for the remaining eligible projects from the Phase I Interconnection Study. Section 4.6.3 of the GIP contains a complete description of the scope and purpose of the Phase II Interconnection Study. Normally, SCE will commence the Phase II Interconnection Study around May 1st of the calendar year following the closing of the Cluster Application Window and will complete the Phase I Interconnection Study within two hundred and five (205) calendar days.

Within thirty (30) calendar days following the Phase II Interconnection Study report, SCE, the CAISO (if needed), and the customer will have a Results Meeting to discuss the contents of the report. More details about the scope and timelines of the Phase II Results Meeting can be found in Section 4.6.10 of the GIP.

Second and Third Postings of Interconnection Financial Security. The customer will make its second and third postings of Interconnection Financial Security as required in Sections 4.8.3 and 4.8.4 of the GIP, respectively.

Interconnection Agreement. Normally, SCE will provide the customer a draft GIA, together with draft appendices as follows:

For customers requesting Energy-Only Deliverability Status, within thirty (30) calendar days following the Results Meeting for the final Phase II Interconnection Study report
For customers requesting Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status, within thirty (30) calendar days following the results of CAISO’s TP Deliverability allocation process

The draft GIA will be in the form of the FERC-approved from GIA, which is in Appendix 5.2 to the GIP - Generator Interconnection Agreement for a Generating Facility Interconnecting Under The Cluster Study Process. The customer must provide written comments, or notification of no comments, to the draft appendices within thirty (30) calendar days. At that point, SCE and the customer will begin negotiations to complete the GIA under the timelines provided in Section 4.9.2 of the GIP.

Notes About Deliverability for Cluster Study Process. Unless specified otherwise in the application for interconnection, generating facilities studied under the Cluster Study Process will be considered Energy-Only (also referred to as Energy Only Deliverability Status, EODS, or EO). Energy-Only projects do not qualify to provide Resource Adequacy benefits to Load Serving Entities (“Resource Adequacy” and “Load Serving Entities” are terms defined by the California Public Utilities Commission).

If in the application the customer requests Full Capacity Deliverability Status (FCDS) or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status (PCDS), a Deliverability Assessment will be performed during the Phase I Interconnection Study. The Deliverability Assessment will identify the Delivery Network Upgrades required to provide the customer with the deliverability status requested (FCDS or PCDS).

Following the Phase I Results Meeting, and based on the findings provided in the Phase I Interconnection Study report, the customer is required to confirm the requested deliverability status, or modify it (as allowed in Section 4.6.1 of the GIP). The GIP also provides options to the customers regarding their deliverability status that may affect their obligation to pay or finance Delivery Network Upgrades. Please refer to Section 4.6.2 of the GIP for additional information on the options available to the customer.

An updated Deliverability Assessment will be performed during the Phase II Interconnection Study. However, the final determination of the deliverability status of the project is done through the CAISO’s TP Deliverability process. Please refer to Section 4.6.13 of the GIP for the timelines related to the CAISO’s TP Deliverability process. Also, please consult the CAISO website and Appendix DD of the CAISO Tariff for the full description of the TP Deliverability process.

Reference Materials from Queue Cluster Window

For Reference, you may review SCE’s WDAT Queue Cluster 14 presentation. This presentation covers the Interconnection Request application form, sample Single-Line Diagrams, site/plot plans, tips on demonstrating Site Exclusivity, required deposits, study, and other timelines, as well as updates to the WDAT applicable to energy storage projects.

Expose as Block

This new annual window is open January 1-15. Per the Tariff (WDAT Attachment I Section, an Interconnection Customer may request an increase in As-Available Charging Distribution Service for an existing or queued Generating Facility with storage that meets the following:

  • No installation of new equipment
  • No increase to the total Interconnection MW value at the Point of Interconnection (POI)

An increase in As-Available Charging Distribution Service is defined as: 1) Generating Facility with an amount (Contract Demand) of As-Available Charging Distribution Service that seeks to increase that amount up to the existing interconnection MW value at the POI, or 2) Generating Facility currently charging from onsite generation only (i.e., presently no As-Available Charging Distribution Service), that seeks an amount (Contract Demand) of As-Available Charging Distribution Service up to the existing interconnection MW value at the POI.

An Interconnection Customer must submit a valid Interconnection Request Form and a $10,000 study deposit by January 15th and will be required to sign and return a study agreement no later than January 25th. SCE will perform a non-binding charging analysis of the ability of the existing Distribution System to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s request within forty-five (45) Business Days of receipt of a signed study agreement and study deposit.

Note: An Interconnection Customer with a Generating Facility receiving Firm Charging Distribution Service may not request As-Available Charging Distribution Service via this Annual Application Window. Please refer to WDAT GIP Section regarding Modifications to Firm Charging Distribution Service.

Please submit your information to your Grid Interconnection & Contract Development (GICD) Advisor and cc Grid.Interconnections@sce.com.

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DISCLAIMER: The guidelines in this section are provided with the intent to help SCE’s customers understand SCE’s Interconnection Procedures. However, in the case of discrepancies with SCE’s rules, such tariffs and regulations will prevail.