2022 Midterm Reliability RFO - Phase 2

Pursuant to the market notice issued on July 15, 2021 and CPUC Decision 21-06-035 (“Decision Requiring Procurement to Address Midterm Reliability (2023-2026)”), Southern California Edison Company (“SCE”) is launching its 2022 Midterm Reliability Request for Offers for incremental resources that can come online in the 2025-2026 timeframe.

SCE encourages interested market participants to register on the RFO website.

SCE reserves the right to modify the terms of or discontinue this procurement activity in its sole discretion and at any time without notice and without assigning any reasons and without liability of Edison International, SCE, or any of their subsidiaries, affiliates or representatives. SCE also reserves the right to select no offers or proposals as an outcome of this procurement activity. SCE will not be deemed to have accepted any offer or proposal, and will not be bound by any term thereof, unless and until an authorized representative of SCE has executed a contract and all other required agreements. Any contracts executed pursuant to this procurement activity will be subject to California Public Utilities Commission approval.

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