It's easy to locate the source of an RTVI problem. Here's how:
Go to your main fuse box or circuit breaker panel with a battery-operated AM radio tuned between stations. Listen for interference on the radio. (Be sure to bring a flashlight if the box or panel is located in a dark or enclosed area.)
When you hear the interference that has been bothering you, interrupt the power to your home by turning off the MAIN circuit breaker. (Do not remove fuses and leave their holders exposed.)
TIP: For instructions on safely turning your circuit breaker off and on.
If you no longer hear the interference on your radio, the source of the interference is in your home. If you continue to hear the interference, the source of the noise could be in a neighboring home or building. Restore the main breaker and all other sub-breakers to "on." For further assistance locating the source of the interference, please call SCE at 1-800-655-4555.
If the interference stopped when you shut off the main circuit breaker, try to locate the source of the interference in your home. With your AM radio tuned between stations, turn the MAIN circuit breaker back on. After the interference returns, turn the circuit breakers off one at a time until the noise stops. Now turn on all the breakers except the one that stopped the noise.
Because the source of the interference is on the circuit you turned off, check your house for the outlet, doorbell, light, clock, or other appliance or piece of electrical equipment without power.
Congratulations! Once you've located and removed the interfering device, your radio and television reception will return to normal.