Here you will find information about the power purchase contracts that are available from SCE. PLEASE NOTE: Besides a power purchase contract, you will need to sign an interconnection agreement with SCE and will also need to meet certain requirements of the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) for generators. These activities are independent and require lead time to complete, and can impact your schedule for the start of operation for your project. They should not be left until the last minute, but should be pursued prior to or concurrently with development of the power purchase contract. Additional information about these related requirements can be found at:
What Is The AB1613 CHP Program?
This program was developed in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 1613, codified at Public Utilities Code Section 2840 et seq., and Resolution No. E-4424 of the California Public Utilities Commission. Under the AB1613 program, which is separate and distinct from the CHP Settlement and the power purchase contracts offered therein, Schedule CHP (“Combined Heat and Power Excess Energy Purchase”) and associated power purchase contracts are available to SCE customers who own and operate an eligible combined heat and power (CHP) system that do not exceed 20 Megawatts (MW), and who want to sell energy to SCE.
What Are The AB1613 Power Purchase Contracts?
SCE customers with eligible CHP systems may execute a power purchase contract with SCE. A choice of three power purchase contracts is provided, to address various characteristics and circumstances of their project:
- Standard Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities (“Standard Contract” - PDF);
- Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities with Net Output of not greater than 5 MW (“5 MW Contract” - PDF); and
- Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities with a Power Rating of less than 500 kW (“Less than 500 kW Contract”)
- Application for AB1613 Power Purchase Contract (Excel Worksheet)
The Application form provided above is an Excel worksheet tool designed to be used by customers who desire to sign one of the AB1613 contracts to capture the information required for SCE to prepare an agreement for execution by the customer and SCE. Please download the Application form, make entries as required and send to SCE via email to AB1613@sce.com.
AB1613 CHP Facilities Located within Local Capacity Requirement Areas
Pursuant to California Public Utilities Commision Decisions Nos. D.09-12-042 and D.10-12-055, CHP systems which are located within Local Capacity Requirement areas as defined by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) are eligible to earn a 10% location bonus on their payments. SCE is required by D.09-12-042 to identify the substations located within the Local Capacity Requirement areas. A list of substations is provided below.
The list of substations, and the following additional information from the CAISO regarding Local Capacity Requirement areas are provided for information and preliminary project planning purposes only. Please be advised that a final determination of whether a CHP project is located within a Local Capacity Requirement area will be made upon completion, by SCE, of the studies required to approve the interconnection of the CHP project to the SCE electric system
- California ISO 2012 Local Capacity Technical Analysis Final Report And Study Results, April 29, 2011 (PDF)
- California ISO 2011 Final LCR Study Results Summary of Findings (see map on page 5) (PDF)
- CAISO Web page on Local Capacity Requirements.
- SCE Local Capacity Area Substation List (PDF)
To qualify for the 10% location bonus, operators of AB1613 CHP facilities will need to provide documentation to SCE confirming that they are interconnected to a substation located within a Local Capacity Requirement area prior to the time they begin delivering power under the AB1613 contract.
For More Information
Send questions to AB1613@SCE.com or contact Benny Wu at (626) 302-3230.