- What are acceptable start dates for delivery of projects?
Regardless of the start date for the delivery period, the delivery period must include the entire calendar year of 2021 (from 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021). Along with that criterion, the delivery period for projects that are directly connected to (or directly connect to a lower voltage substation that electrically connects to) or rely on customers that are directly electrically connected (or rely on customers that are directly connect to a lower voltage substation that electrically connects to) to the Goleta, Johanna or Santiago High Voltage substations must start delivering between 1/1/2015 to 1/1/2021. The delivery period for all other projects in the Western Los Angeles Basin or Moorpark sub-areas must start delivering between 1/1/2018 to 1/1/2021.
- What are acceptable contract durations?
Bidders can propose any duration for the delivery period so long as some portion of project’s delivery period includes the entire calendar year 2021 (from 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021). SCE prefers a 20 year delivery period. SCE recognizes that shorter contract durations may be more conducive for certain resource types, such as some demand-side programs.
- Is there a minimum size in terms of capacity for each technology type?
Yes, there are size requirements associated with each technology. Please refer to RFO Transmittal letter for specifics.
- How much is SCE looking to procure?
SCE is authorized to procure 1400 to 1800 MWs of new resources in the Western Los Angeles Basin sub-area and 215 to 290 MWs in the Moorpark sub-area to meet LCR needs by 2021.
- Will SCE consider competitive Offers in excess of the MW amounts authorized by the LTPP decision?
SCE will consider all competitive offers. However, at this time, SCE does not intend to procure resources above the authorized procurement quantities.
- Is there a bid deposit requirement?
SCE does not require a bid deposit to participate in the LCR RFO. Applicable posting requirements will commence once any agreements are executed.
- Can a single bid include multiple technology types? (e.g. a renewable project with a storage component)
Yes, bids can include multiple technology types. Bidders should make the proposed project structures clear in their Indicative Offers and SCE will work with bidders to draft contracts appropriately.
- Will SCE consider an Indicative Offer if all gen-tie rights-of-way (or suitable option agreements) are not in-hand when the Indicative Offer is submitted?
Yes. SCE is not expecting all rights-of-way to be secured by the Indicative Offer submittal date.
- Will SCE help make criteria pollutant Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) and/or emissions offsets available to proposed projects?
No. SCE will not be making any ERCs and/or offsets available to bidders. It is the bidder’s responsibility to secure those items for their project.
- Who is responsible for procuring emission credits?
It is the responsibility of the developer to procure emissions credits for its facility.
- Do complete indicative offers need to include both a hard copy as well as a standard flash drive? Do we need to deliver complete indicative offers to both Jesse Bryson and Gene Lee at SCE or will a single submittal to SCE and an additional submittal to the Independent Evaluator (IE) suffice?
Indicative Offers should be delivered to either Gene Lee or Jesse Bryson at SCE via a standard flash drive. Hard copies are not required. The IE will be at SCE's office to open Indicative Offer submittals; thus, a separate submittal to the IE is not required.
- Do offers at the same site with multiple technological configurations need to submit complete and separate Indicative Offer Submittal Packages or can a base offer be submitted with appropriate addendums for various configurations (price and performance)?
The clearest manner to indicate separate offers is by completing a separate Indicative Offer package for each offer. If a bidder believes that submitting "addendums" for various configurations will be clear, then SCE will review the submitted addendums. However, a complete and separate set of Excel appendices will be necessary for each offer by the Final Offer submittal date.
- Do easements / rights-of-way need to be in place prior to bid submission for ALL lateral infrastructure to include water and fuel lines or is Site Control the physical site and control of electrical interconnection rights-of-way?
SCE will be requiring site control of the physical site only by the Indicative Offer submittal date.
- If two developers are using the same parcel of land, but each has control over their separate footprints, would that qualify as appropriate Site Control? (i.e., if someone is leasing a piece of a parcel of land)
- Is Site Control required for "Behind the Meter" projects?
No, site control is not necessary for a “behind the meter” project.
- Is it possible to get facility demographic information on the load areas or any information that may provide the estimated number of facilities by SIC codes?
SCE can provide data about customers by substation but the type and level of disaggregation for this data will be determined by CPUC customer data privacy rules (e.g., 15/15 Rule). This information is available here.
- If a counterparty has previously executed NDAs with SCE for prior business, is a new NDA required for submitting an indicative offer?
It depends on the NDA. SCE encourages the bidder to submit the previously executed NDA that it believes is sufficient along with its Indicative Offers.
- Is there a goal (%) related to small businesses/WDVMBEs?
No. There is no specific goal for small business owners or WDVMBE, but SCE encourages diverse business enterprises to participate in the LCR RFO.
- Can a bidder develop/propose a hybrid product?
Yes. Bidders can develop/propose hybrid products. SCE will work with bidders to create the appropriate form of contract for such offers.
- With regards to the PPA, how do we make a redline prior to submitting? How specific should we get?
SCE prefers that bidders submit redlines through a deltaview or workshare program file along with a clean word version of the changes. Bidders should make a judgment as to how specific their changes should be. If the bidder believes there are major changes needed to an agreement, then submitting conceptual deal points may be more efficient towards completing an agreement. Otherwise, detailed specific changes are always helpful towards completing a negotiation.
- Does a repower project qualify for the LCR RFO?
The LCR RFO is for procurement of incremental new resources. A repower project that does not increase the existing MW of a facility does not qualify as an incremental new resource. For more information about the eligibility requirements of repower projects, see section B.1.4 of the Transmittal Letter.
- What is the minimum project life that SCE will consider?
New build conventional gas fired generation and combine heat and power require a 30-year design life. The requirement does not apply to renewables, energy efficiency, demand response, and energy storage.
- My site is near the border of an LCR sub-area. How can I check if it qualifies?
Please submit specific site qualification inquiries to LCR.RFO@sce.com and provide the information outlined in this document.
- Is site control required prior to Indicative Offer submittal?
Site Control is not required prior to indicative offer submittal. Projects with site control will have a benefit during the indicative offer evaluation.
- If a bidder plans to present alternative situations and combinations of technologies, should these be separate bids or together? How much flexibility do bidders have?
If you have specific questions about your offer, please contact SCE at LCR.RFO@sce.com. Bidders do have flexibility and SCE encourages bidders to make many offers. Please submit separate offer sheets (i.e., separate spreadsheets) for each technology, and identify in the offer letter whether the pieces are mutually inclusive (must be selected as a package), mutually exclusive (SCE can only select one), or cafeteria-style selection.
- For the 30 year certification of the site, is that done by a third party evaluator or SCE?
For certification of useful life of a project, the agreements provide: “Project (a) has a remaining design life of at least thirty (30) years after the Initial Delivery Date as attested by an engineering assessment performed by a professional mechanical engineer (with experience acceptable to SCE in its sole discretion) licensed by the State of California; . . .”