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SCE PCIA Voluntary Allocation Information
Decision (D.) 21-05-030 was issued on May 24, 2021, ordering the California investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to offer Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) eligible load serving entities (LSE) voluntary allocations of PCIA-eligible resources, and then to make available to the general market any unallocated RPS resources through a market offer process. Collectively, these processes are referred to as the voluntary allocation and market offer (VAMO).
On August 23, 2021, the California IOUs jointly filed a Tier 2 advice letter proposing a methodology for allocating a slice of each IOU’s entire PCIA-eligible RPS portfolio. That methodology was approved on October 25, 2021, in an Energy Division ruling letter, along with a ruling that PURPA and ReMAT resources be excluded from the VAMO process, as the IOUs are required to use such resources toward their RPS compliance requirements.
PCIA-eligible LSEs will have an option to receive an allocation from the IOUs’ PCIA-eligible RPS energy portfolios based on each LSEs customers' forecasted, vintaged, annual load share (in MWh). LSEs will elect their allocations in 10% increments of their forecasted, vintaged, annual load share. RPS energy deliveries will be based on project development success and actual RPS energy volumes realized each year.
2022 Voluntary Allocation Election Schedule
VA Meet & Confer Activities | Date* |
Indicative Allocation Forecast provided to LSEs | February 1, 2022 |
SCE Webinar on PCIA VA Meet & Confer | February 2, 2022 |
PCIA VA Meet & Confer Period Commences | March 12, 2022 |
PCIA VA Meet & Confer Period Ends | April 15, 2022 |
Final Allocation Forecast provided to LSEs | May 20, 2022 |
VA Enrollment & Contracting Activities | Date* |
Voluntary Allocation enrollment deadline | July 1, 2022 |
SCE to provide LSEs participating in Voluntary Allocation with contract for execution | July 8, 2022 |
Deadline for LSEs to execute & return VA agreement | July 18, 2022 |
SCE completes Voluntary Allocation contracting | July 29, 2022 |
* Dates are subject to change.
Meet & Confer Information
LSEs can provide their date preferences for their initial PCIA voluntary allocation meet and confer discussion by filling out this form:
PCIA VAMO Meet and Confer Meeting Preference
- LSE VA Election Communication
- Decision (D.) 21-05-030
- PCIA Voluntary Allocation Webinar recording
- PCIA Voluntary Allocation Webinar presentation
- PCIA Voluntary Allocation Webinar Q&A
- PCIA Voluntary Allocation Schedule Communication
- Draft Voluntary Allocation Agreement pending CPUC approval on June 23, 2022
SCE Contact Information
For PCIA VA-related questions or concerns, please contact one of the following:
- Community Choice Aggregators, William Moore at
- Energy Service Providers, Omari Hines at