Extreme Weather Restoration Update
Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the extreme weather event. As of Sat. 1/11, 3 p.m., 45,450 customers are without power, and we have restored service to over 500,000 customers since the start of the wind event. PSPS numbers will continually change as field reports and system updates are completed. For the latest outage updates, including your outage status, please visit our Outage Look Up Tool.
For more information on power restoration, please visit Extreme Weather Restoration Updates.

Community Renewables - Renewable Auction Mechanism (CR-RAM) 5 Request for Offers (RFO)

Community Renewables - Renewable Auction Mechanism (CR-RAM) 5 Request for Offers (RFO)

As part of the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) program, established pursuant to Senate Bill 43 and implemented in Decision (D.) 15-01-051 and D.16-05-006, Southern California Edison (SCE) is launching its fifth Community Renewables - Renewable Auction Mechanism (CR-RAM 5) Request for Offers (RFO) for the procurement of Community Renewables (CR) and Community Renewables-Environmental Justice (CR-EJ) eligible Generating Facilities.

SCE is attempting to acquire energy from Generating Facilities located in EJ communities, as defined by the California EPA in its most recent version of the CalEnviroScreen tool, through the GTSR program. We encourage Offerors to submit Offers for Generating Facilities located in these communities, and to indicate how the program might be improved to better reach those communities. SCE will select Generating Facilities from the available Offers pursuant to the requirements set forth in D.15-01-051 and D.16-05-006.

Offerors intending to submit Offers, but do not yet have an existing PowerAdvocate® account, must first register to create a username/password with PowerAdvocate® to receive access to the event (event code 87348). Users with an existing PowerAdvocate® account may request access here.

Offers must be uploaded to PowerAdvocate® no later than 12 PM, Pacific Prevailing Time (PPT), on the Offer Due Date as specified in the RFO Schedule on the PowerAdvocate® CR-RAM 5 RFO website. Please note that early submittals are permitted and encouraged.

Frequently Asked Questions & Contact

Additional questions about the CR-RAM 5 RFO requirements and process should be addressed to RFO@sce.com (with the IE cc’d at keith.oliver@merrimackenergy.com). Questions of a general nature will be posted as appropriate.

SCE Contacts for this RFO are:

Charles Vaughan 626.302.1033
Matt Lloyd 626.302.1441