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Register As an ESP
Register As an ESP
The following requirements must be met in order to become a registered Electric Service Provider (ESP) to conduct business within SCE’s service territory.
CPUC ESP Requirements
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has established a series of requirements for ESPs. These include:
SCE ESP Requirements
Complete SCE establishment package, which includes the following:
ESP Billing Options
Both SCE and an ESP must have a set of specific charges each must calculate based on the same usage data for a single customer in a given billing period.
ESP Billing Options
An ESP must first determine the billing options it intends to offer as part of its participation in Direct Access (DA). The available options are:
Dual Billing
Under Dual Billing, SCE and ESPs provide separate bills to end-use customers for their respective charges. Each is responsible for calculating their respective charges, preparing and sending their own bill to the customer, and for receiving and processing the customer’s payments.
SCE Consolidated Billing
The ESP and SCE have a set of specific charges each must calculate based on the same usage data for a single customer in a given billing period. After calculating its charges, an ESP must prepare and send the charges to SCE in electronic (bill-ready) form by the second business day, following Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) posting rules. SCE will consolidate the ESP’s and SCE’s charges to create a single bill to present to the end-use customer.
ESP Consolidated Billing
The ESP and SCE have a set of specific charges each must calculate based on the same usage data for a single customer in a given billing period. After calculating its charges, SCE must prepare and send the charges to the ESP in electronic (bill-ready) form. The ESP will consolidate both SCE’s and its own charges to create a single bill to present to the end-use customer.
SCE Metering Role
SCE continues to own and operate the regulated distribution lines in its franchise territory and is responsible for the reliable and safe delivery of electricity to end-use customers. SCE provides energy suppliers, retailers, and aggregators with necessary resources, including distribution services, and dependable and impartial information to ensure that energy suppliers have the necessary resources for participation in the DA market. As part of its distribution role, SCE continues to provide the following services to customers:
- Meter Services (ownership, installation, removal, calibration, testing, and maintenance)
- Meter Reading and Usage Data Management
ESP Metering Role
Under Direct Access, ESPs have the option of providing metering services to customers for whom they are providing electricity. These services include provision of the meter, ownership of the meter, meter testing for adherence to manufacturer’s specifications, meter installation, meter calibration, meter testing for proper installation and functionality, meter maintenance, and meter reading. In order to provide meter services, a Meter Service Provider (MSP) must be certified by the CPUC.
For metering information, visit the Meter Data Management Agent webpage.
Understand how to communicate with SCE through Electronic Data Interface (EDI)
SCE conducts the majority of communications and data exchanges to and from ESPs using standard transaction formats within an EDI environment. SCE has established compliance testing requirements for ESPs conducting electronic communications with SCE. As part of ESP registration, EDI testing will be required between an ESP and SCE in order to set-up EDI communications.
EDI testing will begin after the SCE establishment package is submitted and accepted.
Contact Customer Choice Services
For more information regarding ESP registration requirements, please contact Customer Choice Services at:
ESP Support