Important to Know
Rule 24 allows an SCE Bundled Service customer to enroll with a Non-Utility Demand Response Provider (DRP) rather than participate in Demand Response (DR) exclusively through an SCE-managed DR program. An SCE Bundled Service customer enrolled with a Non-Utility DRP will receive load reduction dispatch instructions and compensation only from the Non-Utility DRP, who participates directly in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) market.
Rule 24 was established for the purpose of providing administrative and technical mechanisms to allow Non-Utility DRPs to bid load reduction resources directly into the CAISO wholesale market. Per Rule 24, in addition to participating in demand response exclusively through an SCE-managed DR program, SCE Bundled Service customers now have the option of direct participation. More specifically, direct participation in DR allows an SCE Bundled Service retail customer, on its own or through a Non-Utility DRP, to participate in the CAISO electrical wholesale market and receive compensation for curtailments using a scheduling coordinator. Rule 24 also defines the rules for SCE and Non-Utility DRPs to be able to bid Bundled Service customers into the wholesale market.
Customer Information
You can share your data through two options, the Offline Process or the Online Process. See below for instructions on how to proceed with authorizing a Non-Utility DRP. It is recommended to consult with the Non-Utility DRP to understand which process it will accept prior to completing an authorization.
Once SCE receives your authorization through either process, your personal information will be released to the Non-Utility DRP. Examples of the types of information that SCE will provide to Non-Utility DRPs include: the customer's name associated with the account, the service address, rate schedule, meter type, electric usage, billing data and if you are enrolled in an SCE demand response program.
Additionally, an authorization grants a Non-Utility DRP the ability to request that SCE change or reprogram your meter to a shorter interval length if necessary.
Offline Authorization Process
You can use the Customer Information Service Request-Demand Response Provider Form (Referred to as the paper “CISR-DRP Form”). The primary purpose of the paper CISR-DRP Form is to allow a customer to authorize SCE to release data about that customer to one or more Non-Utility DRPs identified on the form. Completion of the form is necessary so that a Non-Utility DRP may provide you demand response service.
Online Authorization Process
SCE’s Online Authorization process or electronic CISR-DRP Form allows customers to authorize SCE to release data about that customer to one or more Non-Utility DRPs by starting and ending on a Non-Utility DRPs website. This Online process also allows for an easy process for customers to revoke access to previous data authorizations.
You will need to complete the following steps:
1.Start by selecting a link on your Non-Utility DRP’s website that will take you to SCE’s Share My Data login page.
2.There are two authentication options available to release your data.
o Enter the username and password for your SCE My Account and click the Login button to sign in.
o Guest authentication requires a user to enter either your Address or your Customer Account Number and Billing code to proceed.
•Then you’ll land on a screen to select your phone number tied to your account. Once you select the phone number, SCE will send a verification code to the device. Enter the validation code and click next.
3.You’ll land on a screen identifying the Non-Utility DRP(s) requesting access to your data, the various categories of data to be shared, and the duration or timeframe of the data sharing that the Non-Utility DRP(s) requested
4.Select the electric service accounts for which you want to authorize SCE to share your usage data and other account information with the Non-Utility DRP(s). By default, all service accounts will be selected for authorization.
5. Select the “I agree to authorize” button to complete the process. Your information will then be available for release to the designated Non-Utility DRP(s).
To terminate a previously submitted CISR-DRP form, you will need to complete the following steps:
- Complete a new CISR-DRP form by entering information in all fields on pages 1 & 2 of the form.
- Be sure to check the “Revoke” box on page 1.
- Sign and date Section H on page 4 of the form.
- Note: You have the option of working with your DRP to complete the form.
- E-mail the completed form as a pdf attachment to 3rdparty@sce.com (Please note that information on the form will not be encrypted)
To terminate a previous online authorization, you will need to complete the following steps:
1. Click Here for the SCE.com Share My Data web page
2. Click on the Revoke Now button
3. There are two authentication options available to view your authorizations.
o Enter the username and password for your SCE My Account and click the Log In button to sign in.
o Guest authentication requires a user to enter either your Address or your Customer Account Number and Billing code to proceed.
• Then you’ll land on a screen to select your phone number tied to your account. Once you select the phone number, SCE will send a verification code to the device. Enter the validation code and click next.
4. Search for the party you want to revoke and select Revoke
5.. Review the Terms and Conditions and select the box confirming you’ve read and agree
6. Complete all fields in the Electronic Signature section
7. Click on Submit to complete the Revocation
No. A customer who enrolls in a Non-Utility DRP program cannot participate in a SCE event-based demand response program at the same time. If a customer is currently enrolled in a SCE event-based DR program, the customer would first need to de-enroll from the SCE program before taking service from a Non-Utility DRP. Similarly, if a customer is enrolled in a Non-Utility DRP under Rule 24, the customer would need to de-enroll from the Non-Utility DRP before enrolling in SCE event-based DR program.
The enrollment/de-enrollment process is managed by Non-Utility DRPs, not SCE.
No. Questions pertaining to particular demand response programs or services offered by Non-Utility DRPs should be directed to the relevant Non-Utility DRP, not to SCE. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) maintains a list of registered Non-Utility DRPs.
Rule 24 requires interval data to be supplied to the applicable Non-Utility DRP in order for that Non-Utility DRP to represent your electricity usage reduction in the CAISO wholesale electric market. Under certain circumstances, your meter may need to be changed or reprogrammed to a shorter interval length and the costs for certain meter changes may be borne by the customer.
This webpage is intended to aid in understanding SCE’s programs and requirements. It does not replace the California Public Utilities Commission-approved tariffs. In the event of a conflict between this webpage and SCE’s tariffs, the tariffs control. Please refer to the individual tariff for a complete listing of terms and conditions of service, which can be viewed online at sce.com/tariffs.