Our Commitment to Accessibility
Headquartered in Rosemead, Calif., Southern California Edison (SCE) has provided electric service in the region for more than 125 years. Today, we serve over 14 million customers in a 50,000 square-mile area of Central, Coastal, and Southern California. We recognize the ongoing need to enhance access to our programs and services, including our customers with special needs.

Website Accessibility
We are committed to making our website accessible to all individuals with disabilities who use assistive technologies to get information. To help customers with disabilities manage their services online, our website has been modified to meet standards Level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at a minimum and WCAG Level 2.1 AA where technology allows.
Innovative Accessibility Features
SCE has implemented accessibility features in ways that are not yet common and so we want to make customers aware of them. What follows is an explanation of some of the helpful features of the new SCE website:
Layered mechanisms to skip content of interest and bypass repetitive content. Semantically structured content to aid in finding and using the specific information you need.
Moving carousels that pause by default when the user focuses upon them – either using a mouse or keyboard focus. Note that the carousel scroll movement will resume when the focus moves on. To permanently stop the scrolling content, the user can select one of the items. This will stop the scrolling action for screen readers and other users. Modal windows, media players, and other advanced features can be easily controlled from the keyboard.
Alternative content for maps and other complex visual information. Media players have close captioning and can be accessed by clicking "CC."
Many documents on this site are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) to maintain their original format. Additionally, PDF documents found on our Regulatory pages and SharePoint files provided for public viewing may also require Acrobat Reader software. You may need to download and install the free Acrobat Reader software to view PDF documents. Because visitors using screen readers and other assistive technologies may have difficulty accessing PDF documents, we have made these documents also available in alternative formats such as Microsoft Word, HTML, text, or Braille.
Note: Our website links to certain third-party sites that may not be accessible to all users. We are not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites or third-party advertisements, and we do not make any representations regarding their content, accuracy, or accessibility.
If you experience barriers to finding the information you need or performing the tasks you want to achieve on our website, please call our TTY at 1-800-352-8580. Alternatively, you may also email the ADA Accessibility Compliance Manager at ADASupport@sce.com. We want to help.
Facilities Accessibility
We are also committed to making our customer-facing facilities accessible to individuals with disabilities. By meeting the standards under applicable state and federal law, our local business offices allow all customers to participate in programs and manage billing services in person.
If you have encountered or are aware of an accessibility issue at our buildings or facilities, please contact us at ADASupport@sce.com and include relevant addresses, account numbers, and photos. You are not required to provide your name or contact information.
Complaints cannot be reported by phone, but if you are unable to file online or by email due to a disability, call us at 1-800-655-4555 or our TTY at 1-800-352-8580.

Contact Us
As we continue to refine our accessibility program, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. To report an accessibility issue or request materials in an alternative format, please contact:
Southern California Edison
Attention: ADA Accessibility Office
2244 Walnut Grove Avenue
Rosemead, CA 91770
Email: ADASupport@sce.com
TTY: 1-800-352-8580