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Tribal Engagement
There are over 30 federally recognized tribes in SCE’s service territory, of which 13 are serviced by SCE. Additionally, we engage with hundreds of tribes during our project planning process with the goal of better understanding their concerns and priorities and identifying ways to protect their resources. Over the years, SCE has developed valuable tools to enhance our tribal engagement. These include establishing policies on tribal-related topics (e.g., agency consultation goals, monitoring, data sharing, etc.), identifying ways to mitigate risks to tribal resources, and creating a collaborative framework for tribal partnerships moving forward. Our objectives are to ensure effective, meaningful, and mutually beneficial coordination and communication with SCE’s tribal communities.
SCE’s work with tribes also requires that we have a thorough understanding of the regulations, including SB 18, Executive Order B-10-11, and AB 52, that govern tribal engagement. Additionally, SCE promotes effective tribal engagement by adhering to the requirements outlined in the policies, manuals, and handbooks from many of the regulatory agencies we work with. Refer to the links below for examples:
Agency Tribal Consultation Policies, Manuals, and Handbooks
- Bureau of Land Management
- California Coastal Commission
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- California Public Utilities Commission
- California State Lands Commission
- California State Parks
- Department of Toxic Substances
- Department of Water Resources
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- National Park Service
- United States Army Corps of Engineers
- United States Forest Service