CARE & FERA Discounted Rates Programs
Financial Assistance for Families and Individuals
SCE understands that many customers continue to struggle financially, and that sometimes other expenses must come first. Our California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) financial assistance programs help qualifying families of all sizes lower their monthly energy bills when they need it most.

Qualifying individuals and households of two or more receive up to 30% off their electric bills.

Qualifying families and households of three or more receive an 18% discount on their electric bills.
How to Qualify
You may qualify for either CARE or FERA based on the size of your household and the total current income of all persons living in your house, condo, apartment, or mobile home.

Effective June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024, income limits are as follows:
Additionally, you may qualify for CARE if you or someone in your home participates in at least one of the following public assistance programs:
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
- CalFresh/SNAP (food stamps)
- CalWorks (TANF)/Tribal TANF
- Head Start Income Eligible (tribal only)
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Medi-Cal/Medicaid
- Medi-Cal for Families (Healthy Families A&B)
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
How to Apply
Apply Online
Mail-In Application
Already Enrolled?
CARE and FERA participants must re-enroll every four years. If you received a recertification notice in the mail, it’s time to re-enroll.
Post-Enrollment Verification
CARE and FERA program participants may be asked to verify their eligibility. Learn More about Post-Enrollment Verification
If you no longer meet the requirements or decide to terminate your enrollment for any reason, choose "De-enroll Now"
Additional Economic Assistance for
CARE and FERA Customers
Our commitment to meeting your needs continues with additional bill-pay and financial assistance programs.
Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)
Customers enrolled in CARE or FERA with past-due bills at least 90 days old totaling $500 or more, and who has been a customer of SCE for at least six months and made an on-time payment within the last 24 months, maybe forgiven one-twelfth (1/12) of their eligible past-due amounts in exchange for on-time payment of the current monthly bill.
Capitation Fee Program
If your organization dedicates resources to enrolling individuals and families in these programs, you could be entitled to a capitation fee to help offset your expenses.
Nonprofit Group Living Facility
The CARE program offers a monthly discount on energy bills for qualifying nonprofit group-living facilities. Learn if your tax-exempt group living facility qualifies.
Sub Metered Tenants
Rate discounts are available for qualified tenants billed for energy usage through their landlords in apartment buildings, mobile-home parks, residential RV parks, or marinas