Electric Vehicle (EV) Home Charging Notice
This form will help us evaluate your neighborhood's electric infrastructure to ensure that you can change your electric vehicle (EV) safely & reliably. If you charge multiple EV's at home, you will be able to submit additional forms.
Note: Submitting this form does not initiate a rate change.
Customer Information
Are you an SCE customer? (Optional)
Contact Info:
Vehicle Information
On average, what percentage of your electric vehicle (EV) charging do you do at each of the following locations?
% Home
% Work
% Public Charging
0 % Total must equal to 100
When will you charge your EV?
We recommend charging your vehicle at off-peak hours. Lower rates apply during off peak hours of 9 p.m. to noon. Rates change seasonally, and are higher in summer.
Home Type
Expose as Block