Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging At Home

Electric Vehicle (EV) Home Charging Notice
This form will help us evaluate your neighborhood's electric infrastructure to ensure that you can change your electric vehicle (EV) safely & reliably. If you charge multiple EV's at home, you will be able to submit additional forms.
Note: Submitting this form does not initiate a rate change.

Customer Information

Are you an SCE customer? (Optional)

Contact Info:


Vehicle Information

Select EV Model Year
Select Make
Select Model
Select Charge Type
On average, what percentage of your electric vehicle (EV) charging do you do at each of the following locations?

% Home

% Work
% Public Charging
0 % Total must equal to 100
When will you charge your EV?

We recommend charging your vehicle at off-peak hours. Lower rates apply during off peak hours of 9 p.m. to noon. Rates change seasonally, and are higher in summer.

Home Type

Select Residence Type (Optional)
Expose as Block