You can quickly and easily submit your service request online with our Move Center. We'll send you an email confirmation and updates as your service request is being processed.
If you prefer to submit your request over the phone, call us at 1-800-655-4555 at least 48 hours before you'd like your service started (please note that we do not start service on weekends or holidays). A $5 service connection charge will be added to your opening statement.
To help us serve you faster, please have the following information available when you call:
- Name for the account
- Service address (where service is to be started)
- Primary phone
- Alternate phone number (work, answering service, etc.)
- Social Security Number for customer of record (name on account)
- Driver's License number for customer of record
- Name of spouse or roommate
- Mailing address (if different than service address)
- Date you would like service to be started (Monday through Friday)
Also be prepared to answer the following questions:
- Are there any access problems, such as locked gates, dogs, etc.?
- Are the space heaters gas or electric?
- Is there a central A/C unit at the property?