To protect your confidential information, we require that you submit your device registration requests in writing, either online or by completing a paper application.
The fastest way to submit your device registration request is to visit My Account and click on Device Registration.
If you would like to submit a paper application, just print the Device Registration Application, complete all required fields, sign and return it to us (see detailed instructions on the form). Once we processes your application, call our Customer Support at 1-888-218-4294, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays) to register your device. We recommend that you wait a minimum of 5 business days to pass before you call. When you call, please have the following information (usually found on your device) handy:
- Device ID
- Device Install Code
- Manufacturer Name
- Device Model
You will also need to turn the device on, and make sure it’s ready for registration and located within 75 feet of the SCE smart meter.
You don’t have to be at your home or business when you call to register your device. Just make sure you have the device information with you (device ID, Install Code, manufacturer name and model number)