Customers taking service under NEM 2.0 are set up for NEM billing after their application is approved and a Permission to Operate (PTO) is issued. If you are not already on a Time-Of-Use (TOU) rate, as required by the NEM program, your rate will be changed to TOU-D-4-9. You can change your rate to another TOU option that may better serve your needs. For more information, please check out our Residential and BusinessTOU rate plans.
As a residential customer, you will continue to receive monthly bills that will list your non-energy related charges, detail the energy delivered by SCE to you, and any NEM credits for the excess generation you have sent back into the grid. Any excess energy your system delivers to the grid is credited back to your account based on the period (on-peak/off-peak) that the energy was generated.
There are two different billing options available to you as a NEM customer:
- Monthly Billing Option (MBO) – You will receive a monthly statement for both your energy and non-energy-related charges - both of which will be due upon receipt. If you have a surplus credit for your excess energy, it will roll over to the following bill period up to Month 12. The MBO includes a settlement of monthly energy charges and credits (in $’s) over the entire 12-month billing period, which means any remaining dollar-value energy credits are used to offset energy charges billed to the customer earlier in the billing period.
- Annual Billing Option (ABO) – You will receive a monthly statement tracking energy charges, but only your non-energy charges will be due upon receipt. You have the option of paying the energy charges on your statement but are not required to do so. Your bills will detail the running balance of your charges/credits, which will roll over every month up to Month 12. If you have a remaining balance on your energy charges, it will be due at the time of your settlement bill. If you prefer to pay your new energy charges monthly instead of annually, you can opt-in to MBO by logging in and submitting this form.
If your system is sized according to your usage and you manage your energy to maximize the off-peak period of your TOU rate, you should have little to no balance at the end of the relevant period. For either ABO or MBO, you may have a credit under Net Surplus Compensation (NSC). For more details on how NSC works, please refer to the NSC section below in the FAQ.
Once the settlement bill has been issued, any rolling credit balance will be zeroed out and the new 12-month billing period will begin on the next regularly scheduled meter read date.
If you have additional questions about your meter or bill, or the billing options, please contact our Net Metering Customer Call Center:
Residential: 1-866-701-7868
Commercial: 1-866-701-7869