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Saugus System Split 66 kV Project

Southern California Edison (SCE) is proposing to build the Saugus System Split 66 kilovolt (kV) Project in the City of Santa Clarita. The project includes construction of an approximately 4.7 mile, underground 66-kV electric line. In addition, there will also be construction of upgrades inside several existing SCE substations. The upgrades will allow SCE to serve growing customer demand and strengthen the safety and reliability of our electrical system in the area.

  • Install approximately 4.7 miles of new underground cable. The new underground segment would be constructed between Kelly Johnson Parkway (north of Pardee Substation) and Haskell Substation. SCE will interset one (1) engineered approximately 110 foot tubular steel pole (TSP) riser at Kelly Johnson Parkway, from which the underground 66kV segment would be constructed along Kelly Johnson Parkway, Copperhill Drive, Decoro Drive, Seco Canyon Road and Bouquet Canyon Road.
  • Upgrades inside several existing SCE substations

Project is currently under construction.

  • April 18, 2014: File Advice Notice with the CPUC
  • June 16, 2014: Start of construction
  • December 31, 2015: Construction of underground work complete
  • December 31, 2017: Construction of project complete

  • The 66 kV circuit construction will extend from approximately December 2014 through June 2015
  • Adjusted construction hours on surface streets will typically be Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday and night time construction activities may also be necessary for work at major intersections, or where necessary to minimize potential traffic impacts.
  • Construction hours at project substations will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


During construction of the Saugus System Split 66 kV Project, you may encounter SCE crews or contractors performing work that impacts public streets, sidewalks, trails, or other public right of way areas. SCE implements a number of safety measures to ensure that members of the public as well as SCE crews remain safe during project activities.

Whenever SCE crews or contractors are performing work that temporarily impacts public traffic areas – either for pedestrians or vehicles – SCE implements various measures to alert the public of construction activities and provide directions they can follow to avoid potentially harmful work areas and remain safe. These activities include SCE and its contractors coordinating with the appropriate jurisdictions to ensure proper safety requirements are met. Whether along streets or near public walkways and trails, SCE implements measures such as the placement of temporary fences that restrict public access to potentially hazardous work areas, posting public warning signs along impacted areas, positioning crew safety members to help guide commuters and pedestrians, conducting daily construction crew safety meetings and more.

Here are some general tips you can follow to help you stay safe as either a pedestrian or driver while sharing the public right of way with TRTP construction crews.

Safety tips when you are the driver:

  • Pay attention to construction signs, hazard cones, and guidance from construction crew safety members.
  • Practice defensive driving habits by being on your guard and anticipating other drivers’ moves.
  • Learn to look left, right and left again before you turn.
  • Do not follow vehicles too closely near construction areas in case of sudden stops.
  • Check your mirror every few seconds.
  • Make sure you are seen by other drivers, pedestrians and project crew members in your area.
  • Reduce your driving speed near construction areas.

Safety tips when you are the pedestrian:

  • Pay attention to construction signs, hazard cones, and trail closure signs.
  • Observe fencing that restricts access to construction areas.
  • Keep your head up. Do not text or browse e-mail when approaching potentially hazardous areas.
  • Keep an ear open. Walking or running with headphones can isolate pedestrians from their surroundings. If you must walk or run with music, leave one ear open.
  • If sidewalks are not available, walk facing traffic and cross at corners or intersections, whenever possible. Also, it is extremely important to follow directional signs in construction areas.
  • Stand clear of parked vehicles or other obstacles before crossing walkways or streets near construction areas so others can see you.

Safety is a top priority for SCE – and you can help. For other general safety tips and information, visit