Boosting Power Reliability During Emergency Conditions
This infrastructure project is needed to increase reliability to meet electrical demands of the south coast of Santa Barbara County during emergency conditions, while also enhancing operational flexibility. This area includes Goleta, Carpenteria, and Santa Barbara. Significant portions of this improvement work have already been completed along Segments 1, 2 and 3A. To complete this work on our existing line, we must take some additional steps with both the CPUC and local government.
Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, City of Carpinteria
The Project consists of the following major components:
- Reconstruction of existing 66 kV sub-transmission facilities primarily within existing utility rights-of-way (ROW) between the existing Santa Clara Substation in Ventura County and the existing Carpinteria Substation located in the City of Carpinteria in Santa Barbara County
- Modify utility equipment within the existing Santa Clara Substation, Goleta Substation, Getty Substation, Casitas Substation, Ortega Substation, Isla Vista Substation, Santa Barbara Substation, and Carpinteria Substation
- Installation of fiber optic telecommunications equipment for the protection, monitoring, and control of sub-transmission and substation equipment
- October 2012: SCE filed a project application with the CPUC
- September 2014: CPUC issued Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for 45-day public comment period
- May 2015: CPUC issued Final EIR
- 2nd Quarter 2017: SCE expects to acquire permits for work to be performed in the Coastal Zone and the Los Padres National Forest.
- 3rd Quarter 2017: SCE expects to begin construction.
- 4th Quarter 2018: All work segments are expected to be in service
If you have questions about this project, please call our toll-free project hotline at 1-866-464-2005.
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