Homeowners and residents who live in communities served by SCE and other utilities share the desire for an aesthetically pleasing community. During the routing and siting process for new transmission lines, SCE will look first at possible routes that follow existing utility corridors, roadways, and railroads. We then look at other linear features such as recreation trails, property lines and fence lines. We also look for opportunities to place smaller distribution lines on the same poles whenever safe to reduce the clutter of multiple lines in an area.
Once the route is selected, we work with community and landowners on the placement of individual poles and, to the extent possible, work around lines of sight that may affect the appearance of an area. Further, we ask communities to help us by sharing their concerns, asking questions, and providing input on the siting our facilities. We know that our facilities often have impacts, so our goal is to site our lines in the least objectionable and intrusive way possible while ensuring reliable electricity for all our customers. Finally, before a transmission line is approved by the CPUC, the CPUC’s Energy Division conducts a full environmental impact review that evaluates any impact on aesthetics.