What is the Budget Billing Plan?
SCE’s Budget Billing Plan offers eligible customers the opportunity to pay for their annual electricity service across 11 equal monthly payments. The Budget Billing Plan does not reduce the amount of your bill — you’re still responsible for paying the full cost of the energy you use, but you can split the cost into equal payments throughout the year.
How does the Budget Billing Plan work?
First, we take the sum of your previous 12 months of electricity usage. Then, we divide the total by 11 to calculate the monthly base payment amount for the next 11 months (the monthly base amount is subject to change). On the 12th month, you will receive a settlement bill showing either a payment due or a credit balance. This amount equals the sum of your energy usage throughout your Budget Billing Plan year.
Can you tell me more about the settlement bill?
The Budget Billing Plan is a 12-month program. The first month you start participating in the program is called “Month One.” The month you get your settlement bill is called “Month 12.” The following month (after “Month 12”) if you choose to participate in the program again, you will start over at “Month One.”
The settlement statement you get in “Month 12” shows the balance amount based on the difference between the actual amount of electricity you used throughout the year compared to the total amount paid during the same period.
If your actual electricity usage for the year was less than the total amount you paid every month, the settlement statement will show a credit amount for your account. This credit amount will apply to the next Budget Billing Plan year until it’s used up.
When is the best time to enroll in the Budget Billing Plan?
You can sign up any time, but we recommend that you have at least 12 months of electricity usage history at one address and that you start the program with a “zero” balance.
Can I cancel my Budget Billing Plan enrollment at any time?
Yes. If for any reason the Budget Billing Plan is not right for you, just call our IVR system at 1-800-434-2365, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. When you cancel your enrollment, any balance amount is due on the due date shown in your statement. If you have a credit amount, it will continue to be applied to your account until it’s used up.
If I cancel my Budget Billing Plan enrollment, can I participate again later?
Yes. You may re-enroll any time after you get your settlement statement from your previous Budget Billing Plan participation. After you call SCE or use the online form to re-enroll, your new participation will start with your next billing cycle and Budget Billing Plan payments will appear on your next statement.
Can the amount I pay each month on the Budget Billing Plan change?
Yes. Your Budget Billing Plan payment amount can change if you use more or less electricity than you did before. For example, if you use more electricity by running your air conditioner longer than usual during the summer months, your Budget Billing Plan amount may change to offset a potentially higher settlement bill. If you use less electricity, you may call to have your payment amount adjusted. However, the settlement process in Month 12 remains the same.
How often can the payment amount change?
The Budget Billing Plan payment amount may be adjusted every quarter in Months three, six, or 9 if there is a substantial change in the amount of electricity you use.
How will I know if my payment amount changes?
SCE will put a message on your monthly bill telling you that a new Budget Billing Plan amount will appear on your next bill.
Sample bill message:
Your Budget Billing Plan Statement
Your new Budget Billing Plan payment amount is $100.00. This new amount reflects recent usage changes on your account.
I have a credit on my account. Do I still have to make my Budget Billing Plan payment?
Yes. We will apply the credit amount to your settlement statement in Month 12, or we will apply it to your account starting in Month One of the next Budget Billing Plan year. Having credit on your account will help offset higher summer bills.
What if I can’t make my Budget Billing Plan payment?
If you can’t pay the full Budget Billing Plan amount on the due date, please call us as soon as possible at 1-800-434-2365, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Unpaid amounts will carry over as past due on your next bill.
How to Enroll
You can enroll by calling our IVR system at 1-800-434-2365, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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