SCE’s new Submeter billing option allows our customers and other interested third parties to install a separate meter (submeter) to record the electricity their EV charging equipment uses and receive a separate bill. Metering capabilities are often embedded into EV charging equipment and can track electricity used during EV charging. The recorded usage data can then be transmitted to SCE. Once received, the submeter data will be used to calculate a separate bill under a qualifying EV rate plan. SCE will also perform calculations to adjust the recorded usage on the primary meter account, upstream of the EV charging equipment, to reflect a corresponding reduction in consumption and create an adjusted bill (as appliable).
To participate, interested parties will need to partner with a data services provider (also referred to as a Meter Data Management Agent, or MDMA) that will routinely collect and transmit the submeter data to SCE for billing purposes.
All submeters, whether embedded within or external to the EV charging equipment must be approved by SCE, and all submeter installations will require the permission of the primary meter account holder.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the benefit of enrolling in the Submeter billing option?
In the past, if you wanted to take advantage of a rate plan (different and separate from your regular rate plan) dedicated to EV charging, SCE would install a separate meter and provide service to measure, record, and bill the electricity consumed by your EV. Under the Submeter billing option, a separate utility service is no longer required. This can save time and money when choosing to have the electricity used for EV charging deducted and separately billed from the primary meter serving the home, property, or business location where the charging equipment is located. This new billing option also provides property owners with the ability to allow renters or tenants to assume responsibility for the costs associated with charging their EV.
What qualifies as a submeter?
You may choose from two types of submeters:
- SCE-approved EV charging equipment that has embedded metering capabilities and can measure the energy used during EV charging.
- An SCE-approved submeter that is external to the charging equipment. This submeter would be installed downstream (on the customer side of the meter) from the electrical panel, to measure the electricity the EV charging equipment uses.
Who will own and install the submeter?
In most cases, submeters approved by SCE for use in the Submeter billing option will be purchased, installed, and owned by the participating customer or SCE approved 3rd party entities.
Where can I find a list of SCE-approved charging equipment that can be used for Submeter billing?
You can find a list of SCE-approved EV charging equipment with embedded submeters, and standalone submeters here.
Who is eligible to participate in the Submeter billing option?
To be eligible to participate in the Submeter billing option, the submeter customer (whether the same as or different from the primary SCE meter customer) must:
- Complete a site check (including a facility load check) with SCE at the service location, to determine whether the site has sufficient capacity and meets other participation requirements.
- Install an SCE approved customer-owned or third-party-owned submeter exclusively for tracking EV charging energy usage to be billed separately on an applicable EV rate.
- Charge one or more plug-in EVs that will be recorded at the submeter.
- Retain data collection and transmission services from an SCE-approved MDMA.
- Meet all other requirements, terms, and conditions in the Submeter Billing Application and Agreement.
- Receive participation approval from SCE. We will then set up your new Submeter billing service account. If you install and use your submeter prior to receiving our written approval and your new service account, we will continue to bill the energy usage recorded on that submeter to the primary meter customer.
Can the submeter account holder be different from the primary meter account holder?
Yes. The submeter account holder – the entity responsible for paying the submeter bill - can be either the same, or a different customer than the account holder for the primary meter serving the home, property, or business location where the charging equipment is located.
Will SCE calculate and generate the submeter account’s bill?
Yes, SCE will receive the submeter usage data from the submeter account holders MDMA. That usage data will then be subtracted from the recorded usage on the primary meter upstream of the EV charging equipment for the same billing period, to generate a monthly bill for the submeter account holder. The monthly electric bill for the primary meter will also be adjusted to reflect a corresponding reduction in consumption based on the submeter’s recorded usage.
How do I enroll in the Submeter billing option?
Your MDMA (data service provider) will coordinate your enrollment in the billing option.
Where can I find a list of SCE-approved MDMAs?
SCE’s first approved MDMA is Gridtractor. They can be contacted at Info@gridtractor.com.
SCE will continue to seek participation from, and work toward approving additional MDMAs. After being approved they will also be listed at www.sce.com/apl.
Where can I get answers to additional questions?
If you have additional questions about the Submeter billing option, please send an email to SCEsubmeteringAPL@sce.com.